Just found this forum. The boat is a 24 ft SeaArk, custom built by myself in 2004. Yamaha 150f . Only 400 hours on it from taking a 14 year break from fishing. Getting back out on the water again. I'm in need of some experiential knowledge. My boat's due for new grates since I have straightened them so many times, they all now are ( shaped. Can't get that out. I also could benefit from shimming. However, that is not my question. My question is a theoretical question. Thinking of typical outboard props, like gearing, one might make your engine run higher RPM's than recommened at WOT. Be slower top end but have extreme holeshot. The opposite pitch extreme might make you weaker on the hole shot, give you more speed top end but never reach recommended RPM's as if it ran out of power. My Jet... I'm trying to get more from it. In it's prime, grates in good shape, impeller shimmed properly and good edge, it seems as though something is lacking top end. Always been this way. I don't know if it's typical Jet inefficiency or if it's improper pitch of the impeller? The boat in it's prime, load normal, has ran 34+ mph. However, after a certain RPM, I get mostly noise, very little speed gain, and burns an extreme amount of fuel. It's like the last 1500 RPM is worthless. So, I rarely ever go above 3800 rpm at which she cruises very pleasantly, and gets great fuel mileage. Usually 28 mph. The boat is instant on plane, and has no wait time for power. I have a jack plate at which I know exactly where the best performance is. But the best performance heights will slightly spin out on take off. So, I take off from one position on the jack plate and trim angle. Once on plane, I raise it 5/16 inch and trim up the motor just slightly for highest speed. I don't look at the speed gauge. I simply look at my spray off the side of the boat that reveals how much the front is lifted. Higher the boat lifts, the less drag, the faster it goes. But, I feel like I have potential for better performance. What is going on? I used to think it's the wrong pitch prop. But, I don't know? The last 1500 rpm are not wound tight, like to low a pitch are not weak sounding like to high a pitch.... it's like it's .... I can't explain it. That's my question. What is going on. Understanding it will help me to modify things to get the most out of the motor. Thanks