Second Cobra Escapes.

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What's the deal with keeping cobras? Aren't they very dangerous? Can you de-poison a snake if you insist on keeping one? Snakes give me both the heebies and the jeebies and keeping extremely poisonous ones is beyond me.
LOL There are literally hundreds and hundreds of non-native dangerous pets
in Florida !! the permit application is 35 pages long. Your cages must be inspected
every year by animal control. It is just ridiculous !!! (that the State allows this).

Buckingham, FL is down South of Tampa on the coast. Not in MY backyard this time.
No, not Mike Kennedy this time..... His permit for ALL dangerous snakes has been revoked.
According to records, he has three cobras, a diamondback rattlesnake,
a Florida cottonmouth moccasin and a Gaboon viper.

and "most" of the dangerous venomous snakes still have their teeth.
LOL one guy described it as . . . when you take the fangs out of a cobra,
it is like taking the wheels off your Lamborghini LOL

I never got closure on this! And then today I get this link sent to me. Burglary suspect is hiding in a pond and gets half eaten by an 11' gator. Jeeze you guys...o
They offed the gator and found the other half of the burglar inside! If it wasn't so tragic I'd make a joke about adding cheese and having a cheeseburglar. And a possible Darwin Award. I'm sorry but it doesn't sound safe down there. And then there are the retirees and snowbirds too. It can't be easy being from Florida.
yep - the young guy was being chased by police and dove into
a body of water to hide...... which worked.
but, unfortunately, a gator got him.

The danged snow birds are in full migration and our infrastructure just
can't handle much more.

between them and the other critters, Florida has become a place
that needs a huge sign "Welcome to Florida - Visit at your Own Risk" LOL
Always liked Florida....

except in the Winter with the snowbirds, and

....the Summer with the heat and humidity. (Same reason I get out of Houston in the Summer).

Sure love the fishing there, though.


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