I'm pet poor or at least poor from buying pet food :|
Bandit 5 yrs old- I use to do the Wildlife rescue thing before we had animal control in our county. His mother was run over and she had 5 babies. All were nursed and returned to the wild except for Bandit (the runt). I've had him for over 5 years and was 38lbs before I kicked him out of our house a couple of months ago. He now lives better than most people. He has a HUGE cage, swimming pool, rope swings (rec area), trees and just about everything a coon could ask for.
Mollie - 14 years old and she is doing about all she can do in the picture. It breaks my heart to now what I'm going to need to do pretty soon. She and my daughter were raised together. When camping she would walk Mollie on a leash and NObody was getting near her (just ask the game warden who tried to talk to her
). She will whine all day my wife says when I leave with the boat, gun, or poles
Gizmo - My wifes mean a$$$$ dog.
Judd 20 years old & Roanie 16 yrs old - I've had Judd since I was 15 yrs old. He's pretty cool and will hurt you for a Mountain Dew. Roanie is my daughters horse and he has the same attitude as she does MEAN & TOUGH
Not pictured is Sassy my daughters Sheltie. They both left for college last month.