Son's 1st Fishing Trip 5/18/09 Bucks Co., PA

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Captain Ahab

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
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Bucks Co., PA
Took my 7 month old son to a local stream from some smallmouth fishing. I set up at one of my favorite holes that is also stroller accessible!!!

Josh (my son) had a blast watching me catch smallies and occasionally snag into the overhanging trees. I carefully showed him each fish and he just as carefully reached out to grab the fish and stuff it into his mouth. I was gonna let him taste one, but the image of my Wife with a large knife standing over my sleeping body kept popping into my head. So, josh got to look not touch. (This trip anyway).

I noticed a few rising trout just down stream and a long cast with a husky jerk produce this pretty brown trout. As you can see, Josh also wanted to taste this fish


I was having a great time working the spot and catching smallmouth, largemouth and one very pissed off sunfish. I look upstream and see a "fellow" angler (I use that term loosely) wading downstream towards me. I also notice he is wearing heavy neoprene waders - it was warm out!

Now the stream is only about 20-25 feet wide so there is absolutly no need to wade. Further, becuase he was wading downstream he was spooking and pushing the fish out in front of him - as he got closer a few dozen bass and trout fled past me.

He edges still closer and I call out that he is just spooking the fish away from him. He replies "I know, I almost stepped on a monster fish" No he is even closer and I am starting to get pissed - he has already spooked the fish I am working and I watched as those fish quickly sought cover.

i make a few more "mark my territory" casts hoping that this jack a$$ would have enough common sense not to wade directly in front of me - NO SUCH LUCK! He wades right in front of where I am fishing and and casts his giant spinner almost at my feet

I was soooo pissed - and opened my mouth to let him know - just then I look over at my boy and he is still having a great time. Well, I kept my mouth shut not wanting to spoil an otherwise great day with an argument or worse. I did tell the guy "Now that you blew up my spot you are welcome to fish it - I am leaving" Packed up and left.

Some people
pretty brownie

some people are idiots. lucky he ran into you and not somebody who doesnt care. a few friends i fish with would of purposily snag'd those fancy neoprin waders
Great Pic Capt! Glad to hear it was a fun trip for you and your son. Too bad about the ignorance of others.
Whats real scary is people like that,don't even know how stuipd there actions are.
Glad it didn't totally ruin your day,nice little trout.
you're a better man than me capt.... had he done that to me, I would have tied on the biggest carolina rig (1oz sinker up front, with a 2oz sinker where the plastic worm should be) I could cast and I'd have wrapped it around his neck on the cast..
Getting him on the water early I see, hopefully often as well. Sucks about the guy in waders ruining your spot, I pretty much stay off the waters on weekends do to other "anglers" but ventured out last sunday what a mistake, musta been 20 to 30 people on the banks, had one guy with a hand line walk up about 3 feet from me and throw right were I was casting.
Already you got your son fishing with you. You are insane :lol: If josh is out with you already at such a young age, he is going to be a fishing machine by the time he's your age. Nice pic Dave

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