Spit balling new boat ideas


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Aug 17, 2016
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I've been out of boating for a few years now. Life has changed for me (Back injury) but still have the itch to boat. I have a calm river near by my house (The Hackensack) and am thinking of getting back into the game. I have a wife and teen daughter that I'd like to take along on occasion. This would most likely be trailered and room on m property is limited. So give me your suggestions for something ideally 16' or under, that is FAST for it's size yet has seating with a backrest. It doesn't matter if it's a tiller or console steering.

A 13' tin with a 20 on back moves pretty quick for it's size. I like the comfort of a pontoon but I don't have the room nor do they have the speed I seek. I was looking at a 13' Biel yesterday, cast hull fiberglass, seating for 4-5 people. But they are out of production while they gear up for a new model. I can fish from any boat so long as if floats. I really like cruising and running full out . The river is shallow so no real deep V boats in the traditional sense (Not that 16' boats come all that deep).

Post some links, pics or ideas of what you think fits the bill. I may not pull the trigger but I'm trying to talk myself into it. I'd grab a jet ski if they had one with a backrest.
I can't think of anybody that makes a 16ft center console with leaning post but in my experience that's the most comfortable ride for those with bad backs. Several i know make 17ft center consoles if that's an option. If not g3 makes a 1656 with a metal floor you could mount seat posts to. Flat bottom and mod vee 1648s of various makes can be found used. They all have benchs but it's easy enough to install a highback seat. Sadly it's gotten hard to find a new boat that size anymore .
I don't know if they come with seating for 3, but they look like they will fit your small, fast/fun. and shallow requirements. :D There are other mfgs of similar boats.


A guy has one, up near our camp, and want to take a ride in it. :) Pricey, I think. You don't see many of those small jet-ski boats around, anymore. They might be a more reasonable option.

What parts of the Hackensack do you boat? Mostly brackish water?
I don't know if they come with seating for 3, but they look like they will fit your small, fast/fun. and shallow requirements. :D There are other mfgs of similar boats.


A guy has one, up near our camp, and want to take a ride in it. :) Pricey, I think. You don't see many of those small jet-ski boats around, anymore. They might be a more reasonable option.

What parts of the Hackensack do you boat? Mostly brackish water?
I sent Mini Jet a message asking for a quote and options available. I prefer outboards over jets but who knows.
I have a 16' Sylvan aluminum hull with a 40 hp Merc that is a 1992, all in mint condition...tops out at 31 mph and rated for 80 hp !! Very well built boat ! Nice comfortable high back swivel seats, very easy on the back!! Tillers can be tough on a bad back, mine is a side console, really like the extra floor space!!
You can see it in my signature pic.
Sorry to hear about the back injury. I hope things get better for you.

If you find a boat that otherwise fits the bill, you can always upgrade the seating. I love the Tempress seats in my boat. I don't have anything like a serious injury but I find them great for the back. They are like the one shown in the pic. Might be others just as good or better. I'm just showing these because that is what I have and use. Only downside is they don't fold.

Tempress Seat.jpg
Probably a 14 or 16ft flat or mod-v jon boat. There's a reason that's the stereotypical "river boat".

Glass is heavy, so aluminum would be preferable in terms of draft since you're running shallow water, also more durable when accidents happen.

A Tracker Grizzly 1648, 35-40hp motor with power trim is a good example. Stick a plush high back seat in there and you've got it made. Many manufacturers make open floor jon boats now.
I sent Mini Jet a message asking for a quote and options available. I prefer outboards over jets but who knows.

I was kinda joking. ;) The videos look like allot of fun, for when I was younger. Not sure what my camp neighbor has for motor, but I'd say its a 50mph boat, from seeing him scoot.

The advantage to an inboard jet, is better weight distribution. But doing maintenance under deck, is usually more "fun".

In reality, what LDUBS andMrGiggles have suggested, is much more practical.
I'll try responding to the last few posts all in one here. The 16' Sylvan would most likely be the ticket I just have to measure the room along the side of my house to see if I can get a trailer past the chimney.

LDUBS, the back thing is over 10 years now. I'm not real sure my back can take boating, but the river is pretty calm so it may be worth a shot. I like the chair you posted. Also I should add they do have shock absorbing chairs in the 1-2K range that I may look into.

I think a 14'er will be a sweet spot after I factor in all of my needs, lighter, easier to handle. Less room but it's a sacrifice I may have to make. They do have skiffs made of glass but they are heavy and yes, unforgiving to damage.

The JET boat, brought me back to my youth seeing them run. All that said, I got a response from them, a 13' 4 seater runs 40K plus a donor jet ski for the engine and other parts, so were taking 50K plus shipping. Not going to happen.
Woukdn't happen for me either, even though I might be able to afford it....ain't gonna happen !! I like my boats...had one since I was 10 yrs old, now 73 and still enjoy being on a boat. But there is a limit to the expense, call me cheap if you want, but I have a boat that is cheap to operate, easy to maintain, easy to handle by myself, cheap to insure, scoots right along so kinda like gaving a sportscar when conditions allow yet still handles a two ft chop ! Why would I want to change anything...at any price?
I can tell you those jet sprint boats and mini boats are a blast. As for a river boat to fish out of, something like a 1548 to 1652 is a good size. My Lowe is a 1652 and plenty of room for a couple of people but with the motor it weighs in the 7-800 lb range. Mine is also a jet tunnel hull so it runs shallow with the motor up high and less chance for damage. I think a 1548 is what you want to look for with a side console with a seat. But if you go with a 4 stroke motor, it will weigh a bit more than the 2 strokes so keep that in mind.

The jet sprint boat had a 350 Chevy in it, the Lowe has a Merc 60/45 jet.



And the seats in the sprint boat were really comfortable and held you in place well! It looks like there was enough room for a tackle box behind the seats and it had drink holders! :)


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