Sure glad I don't live in Illinois. Or Kalifornia. Or Nevada. Or DC. Or anywhere in the NE although Maine is really pretty certain times of the year. Nice to visit, but don't stay long.
My friend lives near Sparta, and sold his boat, for this reason alone. Said if he uses it once a year (which is about all he used it), it was gonna cost him $118 to use it that one time, plus bait, fuel, and everything else. Not worth it, to him, and the DNR doesn't give a rat's backside if the local (to him) lakes are worth going to or not. The $118 registration fee cost more than the boat was worth but the state doesn't care about that. They're seeing dollar signs. Wonder how many boat/trailer are running around with no registration because of the high cost??
They say the state is broke. I wonder why?
Guess I have it good here.