Stereo mounting?

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Central Illinois
I want to install a old car stereo. However I want to install it vertical, straight up and down. Most are installed vertically, flat. Any problems mounting it vertical?
Two things. One would be that it's easier for water to get into the unit since any that hits the faceplate or CD opening could go right down into it, instead or running off. The other is heat. The heat sinks are on he back of the units. When they're installed horizontally, most of the heat that gets generated radiates off the back of the unit and up into the surrounding area, away from the unit. When you install it vertically, the heat stays trapped inside the unit which can then lead to the unit overheating, shutting down, and a decreased lifespan.
Thanks Butthead. :mrgreen:

I doubt I'll have any problems then.
Lid to protect the face. Check
Open bottom to dissipate heat. Check

Longevity isn't a concern. Used units are cheap in the junk yard.

I'm installing it to listen to the ball games.
If issue, unit will have in owners manual degree of angle they can be mounted. At to much of angle cd may skip easier, not eject cd, or not even play it. Where heat dissapates to in unit also can be issue. Tolerances vary depending on brand.
If it's in a "more or less" dry location and all you want to do is listen to radio then no worries.

Radio use isn't going to produce much heat. No bass bangin' no loud music. Limited sound reproduction range.

Playing CD's will be a different story as most units have an off angle limit.

Does anyone even use CD's anymore? I usually plug in an MP3 player and good to go....:)
I don't use CD's or MPS. If its not on the radio I don't listen to it. I mostly want it to listen to the ball games while fishing. Mostly for background noise and weather forecasts. Just don't ask me the score, or who's playing, I won't have a clue. I turn the stereo on in the garage while I work for the same reason. I couldn't tell you the last song played, who the teams are playing, score, inning, quarter, anything. The 5 seconds I do pay attention is lost to the minutes of concentration....

Actually I'm on-line at the moment to verify how to wire the radio up. Turns out its a '96 Clarion DRB4275 head unit with 30wX4. More than enough power for my needs.

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