Survival bracelets

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2009
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Lakeland Florida
I found these online actually through a facebook ad and I have to say I think these are a pretty nifty thing to have for JUST INCASE. I am an avid outdoors person and being taught to always be prepared for the unexpected, I have ordered an anklet and can't wait to get it!

These are bracelets, anklets, etc. that are meant to be worn for an emergency situation when a rope might be needed. I spoke to a few friends of mine that are LEO and firefighters and they think it is a really great item and are planning on ordering as well.

Just thought I would share this with you guys :)

Check out their website::
Neat, thanks for sharing
I have the watch band been wearing it daily for over a year. This is made of "paracord" or 550 cord, the same thing that kept my parachute attached when I was in the service so I know its strong stuff 8)
Thanks for the link... great idea...On sveral bike riding experiances I have had to use the cord I take along in my back pack for various reasons... Yet another idea I didn't think of and invent.
these are cool many moons ago my cousin showed me something called a "ranger knot" he learned in the service i cant for the life of me remember how to do it, but it was something similar to this could literaly have 200' or cord in a ball about the size of a hard ball, less rope= smaller ball. if i could only remember the things i wanted to!!!! :lol:
Those are actually really easy to make yourself. Once you have the technique down, you can do one in a matter of minutes.

I learned how to do it when I was bored in Iraq. ended up making rifle slings, dog leashes, bracelets, zipper pulls... just about anything I could think of. Another guy made an awesome set of horse reigns that way.
FloridaBassGirl said:
I found these online actually through a facebook ad and I have to say I think these are a pretty nifty thing to have for JUST INCASE. I am an avid outdoors person and being taught to always be prepared for the unexpected, I have ordered an anklet and can't wait to get it!

These are bracelets, anklets, etc. that are meant to be worn for an emergency situation when a rope might be needed. I spoke to a few friends of mine that are LEO and firefighters and they think it is a really great item and are planning on ordering as well.

Just thought I would share this with you guys :)

Check out their website::
Thanks for sharing, thats a GREAT idea =D>