Survival test

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
Northwest KY. Fairweather angler
here's a survival test I just took at the Field & Stream site. I got 7 of 18 correct :roll: , and at the end it stated that I'd get lost on the back 9 of a golf course :roll: . It's possible to go back and change your answer (it tells you if you missed & gives you the correct answer), but resist the urge and go completely through the 18 questions. It's not timed either :)
8 out of 18. I think I'll stick with fishing. I got snake bit, eaten by a bear, struck by lightning and froze to near death. At the end it said:
You Are The Unluckiest Hunter In The World!
LOL 8 out of 18 and half of em I got right i guessed at, the other half were about fire.....BassAddict knows fire (insert beavis & butthead impression here: "Fire, Fire!! haahaahaa cool lol)
I went 8/18. Got the first 3 right and thought this was gonna be cake. Looks like I'll be needing my GPS on the back nine too. :lol:
I think it was a test written by an idiot. After the 1st question I quit.

If I am supposed to depend 100% on a GPS which already won't pull a signal, and not take compass readings (and am an idiot for even bringing along a compass)......what happens when my GPS fails again, or gets damaged or lost??

Piss-poor advice IMHO.........

I had 9 right.
The bear got me but the snakes didn't:)
And those of you that can beat up a bear,you shouldn't be afraid of being lost.
Jim said:
I chose this answer: Stick the knife into your heart when the plane disappears. This test is rigged and you're going to die anyway.

I comtemplated that answer myself, lol :-k

I went 8/18. Got the first 3 right and thought this was gonna be cake. Looks like I'll be needing my GPS on the back nine too.

Welcome to the golf course :)

...If I am supposed to depend 100% on a GPS which already won't pull a signal, and not take compass readings (and am an idiot for not even bringing along a compass)......what happens when my GPS fails again, or gets damaged or lost??

Concur on that! If venturing into the "wilds", always take a map and compass (and know how to use them). Make sure it's a fairly decent compass also. You don't need a top-of-the-line $$ one, but [personally] I wouldn't depend on the little ones you clip to your coat zipper, but that's just me, and it's better than nothing at all. I'm used to a baseplate compass (orienteering type).
looks like ill be joining you guys for that game of gulf and just so you all know if we see a bear iam not dannel boone iam not sticking around to fist fight some mean old bear with a 9 iron
10 out of 18

I failed on the compass, GPS(don't own one) and I got bit by a rattleSnake #-o, let see-oh yes got struck by lightning too :roll:

But don't mess with me on a good fire and shelter [-X
Waterwings said:
I wouldn't depend on the little ones you clip to your coat zipper, but that's just me, and it's better than nothing at all.

So you're saying the one I got in this prolly isn't the bestest one to use?

I scored 10 of 18. A couple of them had no answer I would choose. I took the test at work and was interupted a couple times. I read the survay to my wife for her to answer and noticed one questine I didnt even remember seeing the first time. btw, she could have read it herself but I wasnt giving up one shot a day with the pc at home and let her take over.

oh yea.. she scored 12. The only unfair answer was #1. She heard me bitchin about getting it wrong. I gave her no other help. I offered to explain what a saddle was, she just gave me an answer . The correct answer.
flounderhead59 said:
Waterwings said:
I wouldn't depend on the little ones you clip to your coat zipper, but that's just me, and it's better than nothing at all.

So you're saying the one I got in this prolly isn't the bestest one to use?


In a pinch I'd use it. Better than spittin' in your palm, smacking it to see where it goes, then going in that direction (I call it the Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn method, lol).

I failed on the compass...

For those interested, Walmart carries some in the sporting goods section. They have a decent baseplate compass (Silva I believe) w/instructions for around $10. Stay away from the cheapo lensatic compass (round w/flip-up lid) they have. Type-in Orienteering in your browser and you'll get all sorts of sites that give basic lessons.
12 / 18 thanks to the boy scouts and Bear Gryls on Man vs. Wild on the discovery channel. I am supposed to stick to pheasant hunting in corn fields which is funny because that is my favorite type of hunting.
I'm with you guys on the back nine with 6/18. Oh well . I don't understand why they are so big on the gps. What happened to following the compass or use land marks to get to where you are going. I used my mother inlaws gps on a road trip and it had me take an exit when I was sure I was suppose to go straight and sure enough an hour later and a few back roads I was right. I would rather look at a map and plan my route than use the gps again.
Because the world is overly-dependent upon those little "chips" instead of gray-matter. I'll be suprised if humans even have brains in another 100 years ("In the year 2525" Folks need to depend less on technology and more on common sense & their own "smarts".
