Swine Flu


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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Atco, NJ
Anyone have it? How long's it been lasting? Both of my daughters have it and I'm sure I'll be next.
I know a few that have had it. It seems to be running between 4 to 7 days.

I took the H1N1 vaccination just last week in an attempt to avoid it and keep from giving it to my 5 year old.
I not sure if my son had it or not, they told him no at the drs. office, but i'm sure he had it.. my other 2 did not get it neither did me or my wife... I had a friend who got it, it knocked him pretty good then he got phnemonia from it was off work for 2 weeks. His wife had it for 2 days, his kids didnt get it.. I've heard it hit some hard and some not at all...
I hope you dont get it Mr. Bill, also a speedy recovery for your daughters.
My son had it the last week of October. He almost never gets sick and this kept him out of school for 5 days and he wasn't really 100% for 12-14 days. He was only really sick for a day or 2 and ran a fever for 4 days, but the deep cough and respritory problems lingered.

It's only going to get worse as the season gets going over the next few months. Be smart... get the vaccine.
So far neither my wife or Ihave gotten the vaccine as we are kinda low on the priority lst. Wish she would've got before she was admitted to the hospital. I'm sure all that coughing would be pretty rough after her surgery.