Taking the Leap. '81 Starcraft Seafarer Conversion


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Your boat is looking great =D>
Where are you fishing? I am from Elkhart county originally.
HahnZooKeeper said:
I need suggestions on storage for my net and rods. They seem to be the most awkward items that anyone would have onboard. They need to be out of the way until you really need them.

Fishing nets? Who has those? I usually only catch small fish if I'm LUCKY!!.. Never been an issue.. :) #-o
gillhunter said:
Your boat is looking great =D>
Where are you fishing? I am from Elkhart county originally.
Thanks, my boys and I are mainly staying in N.E. Indiana. Allen, Noble, Steuben, etc... We're hoping to put a few Muskie in the boat this year. My buddy got me addicted to chasing them. The prospect of catching a 40"+ fish is exciting. Even just a follow-up is cool. (had a couple last year)
Thanks again for the kudos on the boat, it means alot to have input from others such as the folks on this site. What a wealth of knowledge and resources.
Hoping to find a piece of white oak today for the transom.
musky3765 said:
Get the net see ya at the boat show!

Well well well, this can only mean one thing! It"s about time you got on here! Thanks for all your help, couldn"t have done it without you!
Bye the way, very crafty "Get the net!"
Well I picked up a beautiful piece of white oak yesterday to replace the old rotted transom. Call me "Crazy", but I really wanted a solid piece of wood for my transom (not the sandwiched plywood). So I called around and got everything from "We can't do that." to "Sure we can do that for $25 a board foot." But a guy referred me to an Amish sawmill and wow They custom cut a piece of white oak fo me1-1/2"x9-1/4"x 60" for $10. Yeah it's a little moist yet and it's rough cut, but it was $10!!! And it's gonna be beautiful!!!
I also picked up a couple of pieces of aluminum for the bow-mount platform yesterday. These are "behind-the-scenes" pieces, but every bit as important. I am also looking for a good deal on carpeting. If anyone has a tip, I would really appreciate it.
I'll get some pics as soon as I get a day off
I assume you guys fish Webster/Barbee Chain and a few others?

Been down there a few times, and never do any good.
Yeah, we hit Webster a couple of times last year (got skunked!!!). Ran out of time before we got to the Barbee Chain, but believe me, it's on the list for next season. High on the list. With a little luck and a ton of hard work, the "Musky Bucket" will be ready for this spring though.
Thanks for the response.
HahnZooKeeper said:
Yeah, we hit Webster a couple of times last year (got skunked!!!). Ran out of time before we got to the Barbee Chain, but believe me, it's on the list for next season. High on the list. With a little luck and a ton of hard work, the "Musky Bucket" will be ready for this spring though.
Thanks for the response.

Maybe we could share a boat down there this next year.
I've been on Webster, and Barbee, but every time it's been EARLY in the year with water temps still in the mid-lower 40's
Just an update on my progress. I've been working on my transom and got the the piece of white oak cut out. Just waiting a little while before applying the urathane. I have some sanding and finish work to do first anyway.
I have also been doing alot of the little things like brackets and smaller stuff that can be done indoors. Got the trolling motor platform brackets as well as the mount itself almost complete. And tons of research on this site, putting together "The List".
Had two pretty nice days this weekend, today was cold though (colder than it looked!!!). But the boys and I got a few things done like the transom cutting and laying out the floor to decide where to have storage hatches etc...
I was, however informed today that the "Honey-Do" list is still more important than the boat! So I will be working doubley hard to make sure that I can still get the boat done as well. I feel like a politician, trying to please everyone!

Glad for the nice days, but it needs to be winter too.


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You've got a great project going , and it's looking great. This project is of special interest to me, as I'm the "old guy" at Metalsupermarkets here in "The Fort". Great to see a "local" project in the works. Don't forget to bring a picture or 2 by for the "project board" here. Great to see a family project like this. =D>
Thanks novaman,
I've been relying on You, Theresa, and the rest of the gang over there for years with all of "my little projects". We're always greeted with a big smile and a kind word, not to mention the fantastic customer service and product knowledge!
I hope to do you "one better" when it comes to getting you folks some pics for the "Project Board". We'll bring the boat by some time (maybe after a day on the lake) and show off all the great things you helped with. And hopefully show off a trophy Musky or Bass or Crappie too!!!
I stopped by today to pick up a few more pieces after getting my battery tray from the welder's. I would say we're almost half way done with this part of our conversion. Just taking it one day at a time.
Take a look


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That's a real neat idea on the battery tray, :idea: I'll have to keep that in mind when I'm working on my next one. Saves on heighth and also makes for a very sturdy mount. Keep up the good work, it's coming along beautifully.
Well, it's been a while since my last post. Alot of great things happening, not the least of which the weather that allowed me to get a bunch of stuff done on the boat. Alot of the little detail type stuff, but it will pay off in the end. It was feeling like we were just creeping along barely getting anything done, then we had two plus weeks of BEAUTIFUL weather. What a blessing!!! Hope you enjoy the pics.


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I really like how the floor in your boat is tucked into the "grooves" that run on either side (at least it looks that way,lol). I think that's going to be the project for my 16' Seafarer next winter. :beer: