The Blue Angels

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2010
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Southern Utah
I went to an air show yesterday and I was blown away by the Navy Blue Angels! The speed, precision, accuracy and sound were amazing. I also got to see the F-22 Raptor in action and that was sweet! I was able to walk through a Osprey which was pretty cool too. It was a great day and a great opportunity to spend time with my dad (Vietnam Vet), wife, and kids.
Yep i grew up with them in pensacola, they'er stationed there 90% of the year they are awesome in person, if you google pensacola naval airstation museum that's where all of their retired aircraft go.

Where i grew up you could watch them practice every wed's and thrusday from 8 am till like 10 am and it was like getting a private show. Our road ran side by side with the run way's so when they went to land they lined up with our road and man was that loud when they lowered their landing gear.
My dad was stationed in Pensacola back in the mid 70's. He loved it there, hated the humidity but loved Pensacola.
Yep i love it there, we will be moving back in december of this year. I hate minnesota most of the people here are pricks, the weather sucks and it's over priced an over crowded.

And not to mention my boat sit's in the garage 7 months out of the year... :?
UtahBassKicker said:
My dad was stationed in Pensacola back in the mid 70's. He loved it there, hated the humidity but loved Pensacola.

Try 18 months in Guam, Thailand and Vietnam. Talk about a sweat box!

I haven't been to an air show in awhile now but it is exciting to see the planes up close. Brings back memories of working on them back in my youth.
JamesM56alum said:
Yep i love it there, we will be moving back in december of this year. I hate minnesota most of the people here are pricks, the weather sucks and it's over priced an over crowded.

And not to mention my boat sit's in the garage 7 months out of the year... :?

I'm "Minnesota Friendly"!
lol you are one of the chosen few my friend!

My wife say's iv changed alot in the last 4 years since i'v been here, i keep telling her i'm now the perfect combination of southern hospitality and northern aggression, i'll invite u into my house give you the shirt off my back you screw me over i'll cut your fkn throat lol
Saw some of the best air shows out to sea with VF-51. During peace time conditions the aircraft carrier would always hold a airshow on the way back from deployment.
I've been to alot of airshows and seen alot of demonstration teams. Have to say the Blue Angels are at the top of my list!
Yeah they are pretty cool. About 25 or so yrs. ago my cousin was one of the mechanics for the Blue Angels.
nomowork said:
UtahBassKicker said:
My dad was stationed in Pensacola back in the mid 70's. He loved it there, hated the humidity but loved Pensacola.

Try 18 months in Guam, Thailand and Vietnam. Talk about a sweat box!

I haven't been to an air show in awhile now but it is exciting to see the planes up close. Brings back memories of working on them back in my youth.

No thank you to Guam, Thailand, or Vietnam. I don't do well with humidity. I'm too used to the southwest desert and it's 2-10% humidity!
The pictures don't do it justice but this is all I got. I was too busy watching so I didn't get many good pics.

The Angels in action.

My boy in the cockpit of an Osprey. Please excuse the goofy look on his face.