The First 5 to respond...

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
In another section of this site it seems that unintentionally I stirred the pot and upset some people, I want to give something back to this community...

The first 5 people that post to this thread and then p.m. me I will send one of my sexy shad chatterbaits free of charge... I am using gammy hooks, living image skirts, and bubble blades. My fluid bed is down, so the jig heads may have to be sent unpainted...

I will also throw in a football head jig too. Gammy or owner hook, living image skirt, with or without spring lock your choice.

So that's one of each to the first 5 to post to this thread and pm me.
For the record, I was not upset. All I said was not a chance. I said that because I've had identitiy theft in the past as a direct result of using third party deals. Sorry for your inconvienience. :?
Got mine in today!!! Can't wait to try em out!!! Thanks man!!!!!
Sorry to those who just got them, I was wrestling with getting gammy hooks to work. They just wouldn't do what I needed them to do for the chatterbaits.