THE SWAMP DONKEY- New Pics Paint/Floor/Electrical

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This is the wheel I used. Worked very well with paint and good with rust. If your hubs are like my old ones, they did not have stubs on them for the lug nuts. I had to run a bolt through the wheel into the hub and then the bolt would extend out the other side of the hub. Just didn't like that set up. New hub ( with studs and lug nuts ) came prepacked and new bearings inside for $30 at Northern Tool.


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Caster- Im glad you pointed that out! That would have never occurred to me. But yes I will take a look at them, I need to take the frame of the trailer apart soon anyways so I can get it prepped for primer/paint.

Howard-It looks like that would do wonders on paint/rust. Can I ask where you picked that thing up at?
Today was extremely so not alot got done. However I did talk a friend of mine into welding for me. He attached the new safety chains to the inner tongue, tacked on the new conduit under the outer tongue and even began making me a winch post.

last coat of Rust Reformer




Conduit got a little hot

Weld is not beautiful, but will definitely hold.
Got the wheel at Home Depot. Always good to have a friend that welds and love those boots! Like that you welded the coupler on and links to hold safety chains. Looking good in Ks.
Spent most of the day working, so coming home to the trailer tongue still uncompleted was kind of a downer, but I got out the angle grinder and got started. Began by cutting, grinding and rounding all the sharp edges on the winch post and prepared the bow stop arms for painting. Then stopped by the local hardware store and picked up bolts to hold up the arms and some U bolts to attach it to the trailer. I also picked up some JB weld stick, Im not sure if it was a good idea or not but I did locate a few small holes towards the rear of the boat... :( But nothing major really, the largest one couldn't have been more than a 1/16" big so a little JB putty cant hurt too bad. It says that it is sand-able and paint-able so not too worried in that department. All of the tongue is primered and will probably be ready for paint tomorrow or later this weekend. I will attempt to get my bunks fabricated, cut, drilled, and sealed with Thompson's so that they will be ready for carpet and maybe even mounting if I get the trailer frame grinded and painted. Oh and Howard, thanks for the kind words bud!
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! The trailer is taking shape and I have gotten most of the parts ready for the final coats of paint.

Grinded down the paint and rust on the frame

After application of Rust Reformer

After application of Rust Reformer

First Coat of Primer

First Coat of Primer

Unfortunately I had to order some specialty parts online and they will not be in till later this week. Oh, and Howard I did pick up those hubs, were on sale for $25. I am also going to Oklahoma next weekend so I hope to have all of the parts painted so they have time to cure properly before assembly.
Looking really good, replaceing the hubs is money well spent. One of those preventive moves that will pay off and you will not even know it. Great piece of mind. Good luck in OK---- have been to OKC a few times, love that place!
Hey you're doing a great job on that trailer so far. I just picked up a little old 12ft V with an old trailer I will have to do some work on so I'll be watching your progress.

Looking good so far!

Thanks for the encouragement!
So I've decided after work I'm going to go check my trail camera on my food plots, then I'm going to start painting the trailer tonight. Some questions though, have any of you used a sponge brush when applying paint? I do have access to a sprayer but I think ill just use it on the boat. How long does rustoleum need to cure before being exposed to rain/water so that it holds up well? I don't think it will be that much of a problem because i will be gone and will have the parts in the garage but would like to know so I will be able to give it ample time. Thanks for your help and if you have any suggestions please let me know! Thanks!
I personally would not try and brush it on. I would spray it. As for the cure time I would give it about 24 hours and even more since your going out of town you should be fine.
Advantage of brushing is you can apply finish as thick as you want. I have fabricated many items and brushed on oil base enamel. Spraying gives a little better finish. My trailer dried in 24 hours but needed a extra couple days to fully cure because of my thick application and humity this time of year.
So I decided to get on it and hopefully Ill be done tomorrow night. Tonight my buddy finished the welding on the frame and when I got home I drilled/counter sunk the bunks and drilled holes in the frame for the bolts.

Finished painting for the evening...

My custom winch post

Here are the leaf springs, sorry about the Picture its not great...

Tomorrow I hope to finish the painting and maybe begin to wrap the bunks in carpet. Any tips on wrapping the bunks? Oh and I did use a sponge brush today. I spent $1 for 10 of them today and they worked so much better than a brush that had cost me $5 a pop, plus I can just pitch em in the trash and not have to worry about cleaning em for a dime a piece. Ill probably spray the boat but I will be using sponge brushes on the rest of the trailer. When parts come in and Im back next week I will begin assembly and should have the trailer completed.
coming along nicely... on your boat, if you dont want to use brushes or deal with spraying, look into those 4" high density foam rollers. i used them on my boat and really like the way it leveled out. i bought the roller and handle combo and 2 extra rollers for like 5-7 bucks at wally world!
Tomorrow I am leaving town and had a few questions to have answered while im gone.
-Has Anyone ever heard of or used Neomats on the floor of their boats? See Neo-Mats
-What kind of Navigation lights are you guys using? Id like to go with LEDS but dont exactly wanna pay $100 just for navigation lights.
-Anybody run a mud motor?
-Recommendation for a good boat cover during storage/travel?

I have finished painting the trailer and am going to let the paint cure while im away!
Have a good weekend!
Never used the mats so I can't offer any help.
As far as navagation lights I just use the regular lights. I mounted the recepticle up front on the deck and on the back I mounted it in the small triangle piece at the transom.
So I have been bustin my butt trying to get everything ready for trailer completion. Tonight I started getting the frame put back together and Its starting to look like an actual trailer! lol Sorry in advance for the pictures they are not the best


Picked up a quick release pin for the tongue

Opposite view

Used PVC pipe to keep pressure off of the wiring conduit and plan to do the same around the winch post, They do flex a little and am thinking about filling them with liquid nails or silicone to firm them up. Any thoughts?



Again sorry for the photos, Ill be updating again withing the next few days!
I can't tell from the pics, but if your wiring conduit is not welded to your frame, flip your u-bolt and slide the flat plate between the frame and conduit. you can always wire tie the conduit to your brackets then trim off the excess u-bolt for a cleaner look.

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