The weather in Texas

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
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Richland Chambers Lake Texas
Hey; some weather we've been having here in Texas. Yesterday it was sunny and 80 degrees but today it's 28 degrees and sleeting. Here in Texas were used to short winters and were often catching crappie in early February. I know we need the precipitation where I live but the last thing on any ones mind was sleet instead of rain in March. I know from the news that there has been crazy weather elsewhere this year so far. I blame the ground hog for giving us more winter. :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:
if you add up the high temps from everyday for the last week here we wouldn't hit 80 \
sorry if I don't feel for you. your getting sleet we will be getting more snow!!!!!
4th snowiest {70+"} and 3rd coldest {18.9 degrees avg} winter in Chicagoland history.
People down here just are not used to this. :LOL2: Ice like this is rare SNOW even rarer! Not going into town tomorrow people just don't know how to drive on this stuff. Can't get the truck out of the drive anyway.


Still coming down in pea sized chunks now!!!
:twisted: More snow for us. 6-10" possible. My first club tourney is in less than two weeks. Everything is still frozen around here.
I've been working on my boat all day. Started the day in shorts with temps in the mid 70's. A front moves in and dropped to the mid 40's.
The weather is nuts this year. I've usually been fishing 5 or 6 times already, but just once this year so far.
[url= said:
SpecFisher » 02 Mar 2014, 22:01[/url]"]That is a major drop in temps. How often does that happen?

Doesn't happen all that often. This is more of a freak event. The low that recently flooded places in California combined with an ARTIC BLAST caused most of north Texas to be covered in Ice. Supposed to be back in the upper 70's by Friday. So maybe I'll get back to work on my boat or put it off and see if the crappie are biting.
It was 30 when I came over the causeway into Galveston this morning. Wind chill is 29, wind gusts to 29 100% humidity . You couldn't see the bay water due to all the stream. Glad I didn't plant the garden yet .