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Thank goodness we don't have al that snow to deal with in our little section of PA. It has bitterly cold but at least we don't have to try and figure out where to shovel all the snow to like in some past years. 41 days to spring, right?
S&MFISH said:
Hey 100G,You know the old saying "If it's too loud,you're too old".

Not me-Crank it up ,is what I say. I'm 51-going on 22. HeHeHe

I brought my earplugs to the bar because I was told there was a DJ. My wife and her friends mocked me and said it was obvious that I was getting old. When we got there, the music was overwhelmingly loud-the earplugs played a great part in keeping my hearing and at the end of the night, they admitted I might have been right in bringing them! \:D/
I'm glad it worked out for you.I know with those DJs,they can thump that hip hop crap pretty loud.That wouldn't work for me either. Just a little ribbing at you. Take care.

On another note: It's Friggin' Snowing Again. Man I hate this .
Great breakfast. Scrapple, egg and cheese on rye.
BassAddict said:
bearsphan3.14 said:
Great breakfast. Scrapple, egg and cheese on rye.

Ummmmm what I wouldn't do for one of them babies right NOW!!!!!

Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs was just working with a family-owned Scrapple making company the other night. Before that, I had never heard of Scrapple... And after looking at that photo - I want in!!! Man that looks tasty!!!
This morning in S.E. Wisconsin... -14 F. and wind chill @ -35... real glad my heater in the car works...sitting at my kitchen table watching the ice fisherman... :lol:

Almost the same here, woke up to -11 and windchills to -25. Glad the long forecast has some high 30's and 40's in it!
Jim said:
fender66 said:
My oldest daughter is at her first "dance" for school tonight. Dang I'm feeling old!
Where's my shotgun? :mrgreen:

Oh God! Mine is 7 years old, when do i need to start panicking? :LOL2:

8th grade or 12,13,14 years old.....and I have another one 11 months behind the first! God help me!
I feel for you. I CAN wait for the day my baby girl goes to her first dance or date. She is only 3 now, but time flies :evil:
It got up to almost 60 here today!!!! We're supposed to be between 50-60 here all week...I'm definitely going to go out fishing on Tues/Wed/Thurs. What a lucky week to get paid back one of the several extra days a week I work!

As a side note, I've been pretty happy for the past week or so for no particular reason-just in a good mood in general :lol:
bulldog said:
It's been at least 2 years since I got sick. Fever, chills, throwing up. This sucks.

That is about average for me, usually 2 small colds per year, and the flu every 3 years or so, this year was the worst I remember since my teen years!

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