Tournament Woes, but new PB! WooHoo!!

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
Fenton, Missouri
Well....My bud (freetofish/Ron) and I fished our second tourny this weekend. We didn't fair very well, and can't figure out why. We were throwing the same baits that most everyone else was, but just wasn't in the right places I guess. We learn something every time we go out, and this weekend's lesson is that we need to move faster from place to place. We're spending too much time in each cove.

We didn't finish last, but we didn't do very well. The winning team weighed in over 30lb for 2 days. We weighed in a little over 7lb with 2 fish. Largemouth had to be 15 inch or more and Ron weighed in one on Saturday at 1.86lb. I weighed in nothing. We both caught a lot of fish...just all short in the 10-14 inch range.

On Sunday, I weighed in this beauty! A new personal best at 5.21lb.


I did learn on Sunday, unfortunately that we were allowed to keep Kentucky bass that were 12" or bigger. I didn't hear that in the morning meeting unfortunately. Ron swears that we didn't catch any Kentuckys, and I trust him completely......but since I don't know the difference I have small doubts in my head. Maybe, we did better than the results actually show??? Nothing can be done about it now other than we have to learn from out triumphs and our failures...I certainly have been humbled enough to learn from both. :D

But...all in all, I have a great time fishing with my buddy and that's what it's mostly about! Well, that and catching a 5.21lb LM. Did I mention that yet? :mrgreen:
bulldog said:
Where do I get one of those shirts? :?:

Thanks guys....

The shirt......

That's a special design that I drew and created for myself, my daughter and one fishing partner. There's only 3 that exist......but if you're really nice to me, and my daughter okays it (since I told her they were only for us)....we might be able to talk. :wink:
Congrats fender! =D>

That's a chunky LM you got there.

Curious...What was big fish for the tourney? What did you catch it on?
Brine said:
Congrats fender! =D>

That's a chunky LM you got there.

Curious...What was big fish for the tourney? What did you catch it on?

Thanks Brine...

The big fish for the tourney was 6.63 and was brought in about 10 minutes after I weighed mine. I was close to having big fish of the day...but mine was the third biggest of the tourney. I'm still happy with that one fish, as anyone would be. Here is the results board for the day. I keep these for myself to reference and learn from.

I caught this one on a medium dive sassy shad by strike king. I ran it right by a cedar bed that I could see the top of. It actually ran into the outer 3rd of the bed and it stopped. I thought it was snagged. When I went to pull it through....this fish rolled to the top with my lure in it's mouth. I was all very strange because I never felt the bite. Not much of a fight either as it was about 4 feet off the side of the boat. I'll still take it! Any day!

LOZ 0411 results_lr.jpg
Ictalurus said:
Fender, I like the shirt, but the Indiana Jones hat takes the cake :LOL2:

I love that daughter gave that to me for Christmas. It is tough to wear when it's real windy though. Want's to blow off all the time. The guys here at work call me Professor (Indiana Jones reference) since I wore it to work after Christmas. I still don't care. :wink:
I wear my Stormy Kromer down south here when it's cold and take a lot of slack, but I love it too :D
S&MFISH said:
Nice PB Chris. Sorry to hear you didn't do better.

Thanks Steve. Like I said on the phone Saturday.....they were biting...just not the big ones. We still landed quite a few bass just a little under 15". I really appreciate your advice.
S&MFISH said:
I know how it is there. You catch 14.75in fish ALL day long. The Keepers are hard to come by.

That is exactly about what happened too. We didn't weigh the ones that weren't 15", but it would have added up to at least a minimum of 14-16 lb I bet.

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