Tracker Topper 14 conversion - Finished!!!

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Came out great. Clean build. How does that paint feel like it will hold up? Im still trying to decide on how I paint mine
Added a second Lowrance to the front, Elite 4x to go with the Elite 4x DSI. Also traded out the 15" front seat post with a 13" one.


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How do you like those Lowrance Units?
I have the same DSI unit on my boat, and it's awesome !
I'm adding a regular 2d like you did , I'm considering the Lowrance Elite 2d chart plotter .
bhumbertson said:
Added a second Lowrance to the front, Elite 4x to go with the Elite 4x DSI. Also traded out the 15" front seat post with a 13" one.

What are the benefits of having a regular unit alongside the DSI?..doesn't the DSI do everything the regular 4x does?
bhumbertson said:
Finished!!! I'll be adding a Lowrance Elite 4x dsi to the front next week and a 4' tongue extender in the coming weeks, but she's fishable right now. I just need the weather to cooperate a little (flurries today). Hope you all like it, I know I sure will.

Final costs.

1436 Tracker Topper Bartered Craigslist
Trailer Free Craigslist
8HP Tohatsu Outboard $400 Craigslist
45lb thrust Minn Kota Edge $360 Bass Pro
2 Sheets Marine Plywood $160 Local Supplier
Outdoor Carpet $45 Lowes
Outdoor Carpet Adhesive $15 Lowes
Staples $10 Walmart
Paint and Primer $50 Walmart
2 Seats $70 Walmart
2 Pedestal Deck Plates $40 Walmart
2 Seat Bases $36 Bass Pro
Seat Pedestal Post $22 Bass Pro
Stainless piano hinges $70 Lowes
Bow Light $25 Bass Pro
Anchor Light and socket $50 Bass Pro
Cabin lights $20 Bass Pro
Bilge Pump $25 Walmart
Boss Stereo $80 Bass Pro
Minn Kota 60 Circuit breaker $38 Ebay
Mac's River Guard $58 Ebay
4 Circuit Panel $40 West Marine
Marine grade wiring and connectors $150 West Marine
Garmin 300c Fish Finder $180 Bass Pro
Stainless Steel Hardware $60 Lowes
Rod Hold Down $10 Bass Pro
Teks self tapping screws (attaches wood to metal) $10 Lowes
Heavy Duty Toggle bolts $20 Lowes
Boat registration $27 Maryland DNR
Registration Stickers $21 West Marine
Coming this week...
Lowrance Elite 4x DSI $199 Bass Pro
Lowrance Elite 4x $169 Bass Pro
2 Ram Mounts $70 Bass Pro
4' Tongue Extension $150 Ebay
Probably 40 hours of my time.

All told about $2500, DON'T TELL MY WIFE.

Don't worry, I won't tell your wife as long as you don't tell mine! haha
Great thread, thanks for sharing your modification!
Question, what specific Tek's self tapping screws did you use? There are some different sizes/types and just want to use the ones that worked for you.
Took the boat out for the first time today on the upper Potomac river with my son. We did a little fishing (caught nothing) but mostly went out for testing. First we didn't sink... in fact no leaks at all, but I knew that, filled the boat with water months ago to check. All the electronics work great, motor ran like a top. I am going to have to make one adjustment, the drivers seat is great for driving but stinks for fishing. The boat leans something awful when my 200lb son was sitting in it to fish. Solution: I will install a second pedestal seat base near the center of the boat. That way you can just pull the seat up and move it to the center of the back and fish without the lean.
That is awesome you've got it complete! top notch work.... I am putting a raised deck on my Topper1436

How is the stability on your front deck?
What specific Tek's self tapping screws did you use? There are some different sizes/types and just want to use the ones that worked for you.
xXT.WARDXx said:
how exactly did you get your hinges to look like that?

I bought the stainless steel continuous hinges at Lowes. The trick is checking your gaps, I believe mine were around 1/4" all the way around. Not sure the best way... but I took two pieces of carpet and found that it was 1/4" thick. After cutting out the doors, I used a router and belt sander to fine tune the gaps. Everything fits tight... just the way I like it. Hope that helps.



Great job on the boat! Looks amazing. I browsed the entire thread and I may have missed it, but if you dont mind me asking...How wide is the boat? again, great job...enjoy
trueblue1970 said:
Great job on the boat! Looks amazing. I browsed the entire thread and I may have missed it, but if you dont mind me asking...How wide is the boat? again, great job...enjoy


It's a Tracker Topper 1436
Length 13' 10''
Bottom width 36"
Max. recommended HP 15 HP
Beam 53"
Approx. weight 113 Lbs.
Max. person capacity 3 Persons
Hull material 0.043 5052 Marine Alloy
Transom height 15"
Max. weight capacity 580 Lbs.
Max. person weight 375 Lbs.

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