Well-known member
Came out great. Clean build. How does that paint feel like it will hold up? Im still trying to decide on how I paint mine
bhumbertson said:Added a second Lowrance to the front, Elite 4x to go with the Elite 4x DSI. Also traded out the 15" front seat post with a 13" one.
bhumbertson said:Finished!!! I'll be adding a Lowrance Elite 4x dsi to the front next week and a 4' tongue extender in the coming weeks, but she's fishable right now. I just need the weather to cooperate a little (flurries today). Hope you all like it, I know I sure will.
Final costs.
1436 Tracker Topper Bartered Craigslist
Trailer Free Craigslist
8HP Tohatsu Outboard $400 Craigslist
45lb thrust Minn Kota Edge $360 Bass Pro
2 Sheets Marine Plywood $160 Local Supplier
Outdoor Carpet $45 Lowes
Outdoor Carpet Adhesive $15 Lowes
Staples $10 Walmart
Paint and Primer $50 Walmart
2 Seats $70 Walmart
2 Pedestal Deck Plates $40 Walmart
2 Seat Bases $36 Bass Pro
Seat Pedestal Post $22 Bass Pro
Stainless piano hinges $70 Lowes
Bow Light $25 Bass Pro
Anchor Light and socket $50 Bass Pro
Cabin lights $20 Bass Pro
Bilge Pump $25 Walmart
Boss Stereo $80 Bass Pro
Minn Kota 60 Circuit breaker $38 Ebay
Mac's River Guard $58 Ebay
4 Circuit Panel $40 West Marine
Marine grade wiring and connectors $150 West Marine
Garmin 300c Fish Finder $180 Bass Pro
Stainless Steel Hardware $60 Lowes
Rod Hold Down $10 Bass Pro
Teks self tapping screws (attaches wood to metal) $10 Lowes
Heavy Duty Toggle bolts $20 Lowes
Boat registration $27 Maryland DNR
Registration Stickers $21 West Marine
Coming this week...
Lowrance Elite 4x DSI $199 Bass Pro
Lowrance Elite 4x $169 Bass Pro
2 Ram Mounts $70 Bass Pro
4' Tongue Extension $150 Ebay
Probably 40 hours of my time.
All told about $2500, DON'T TELL MY WIFE.
MNHunter505 said:What are the benefits of having a regular unit alongside the DSI?..doesn't the DSI do everything the regular 4x does?
bhumbertson said:MNHunter505 said:What are the benefits of having a regular unit alongside the DSI?..doesn't the DSI do everything the regular 4x does?
DSI does a great job showing structure, but not so great showing fish.
hoghunter17 said:How is the stability on your front deck?
xXT.WARDXx said:how exactly did you get your hinges to look like that?
trueblue1970 said:Great job on the boat! Looks amazing. I browsed the entire thread and I may have missed it, but if you dont mind me asking...How wide is the boat? again, great job...enjoy
Country Dave said:Hey man great job looks really cool. =D>