my tracker PT175 has an oem saver, 1" square tube connects to the 1st/last crossmember of the trailer frame, and has a V shaped rubber pad/metal support bracket that the lower unit slides into when lowered. use a bungee strap to hold the lower unit to the V pad.
Mine fits the back roller and has the V end for the motor but it has an inner and outer shaft. There is a heavy duty spring inside the outer shaft that acts like a shock absorber when ever the trailer hit's a bump and the motor wants to bounce.
I'm cheap, so I took a piece of 2x6 and cut a v in one end, glued some carpet in the v. I use a bungee strap to keep it in place. The board rests against the bottom of the stern. Sorry, I don't have any pics.
MIne was on the trailer when I bought the boat. It appear to be a piece of conduct that has a V with a rubber pad on the motor end and the other end slides into a piece of pipe with a screw that goes through a hole in the conduct. I then use a bunge cord so that it won't fall off the motor. To late to take pictures. I'll add some tomorrow.