UPDATE: This could be coming to your state soon


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May 13, 2013
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Albert Lea, MN

I'm all for not spreading Invasive species but this a load of BS. IMO anything like this should be part of the boat registration. Mandating that anyone transporting through the state have it is also BS. Someone driving from WI to ND should not have to pay MN (a private company at that). What about trucking companies?

This law has been repealed. https://www.trailers.mndnr.gov/
I wish FLORIDA had done something like this 50 years ago !!!
But, like you said, who is going to monitor the DUCKS ???

now, EVERY lake in Florida has HYDRILLA WEED in it !!
Legend has it that it started out from some aquariums being dumped in a few lakes,
then, the water fowl and boaters spread it from lake to lake like a cancer.

PUBLIC EDUCATION is only part of the solution now, not a preventative, not the final fix.
THEN, all monies collected for stickers, decals, inspections, etc should go to that states DNR
or Fish & Wildlife Services. NOT a private company.

bad stuff - really bad.

jus my dos centavos
virginia has the signs up for everyone to wash their boats etc. off before launching in different waters for the zebra mussels.
wow This can't be enforceable?

I'm just traveling through Minnesota from another state with my boat and trailer. Do I still need a decal?

Yes, Minnesota law states that anyone transporting watercraft or water-related equipment in Minnesota needs to complete training and display the decal on their trailer.
Seems to me like Maine has a better grasp on this than MN. Just trailering a boat through the state requires training. Load of B.S. to me. And what's really odd to me is that all funds go to a private company. Sounds VERY political to me just disguised as something in the "public interest".
Not that big of a deal. If it will help stop the spread of invasive species, seems like outdoorsmen would lend their support. My home town lake has areas that are choked by hydrilla so thick it looks like you could walk across it.

A private company is probably much better than giving the funds to the definition of inefficiency: government.
Cross Minnesota off the to-visit list.
Decals do not prevent transfer of invasive species.
Looks like no future travels to that state. I did email the dnr to see if ducks and geese will be require to display an AIS decal though.
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=365205#p365205 said:
RiverBottomOutdoors » 02 Sep 2014, 13:16[/url]"]Not that big of a deal. If it will help stop the spread of invasive species, seems like outdoorsmen would lend their support. My home town lake has areas that are choked by hydrilla so thick it looks like you could walk across it.

A private company is probably much better than giving the funds to the definition of inefficiency: government.

not that big of a deal to extort $10 out of people that are merely driving through the state?

What if a state decided that you must pay for a vehicle inspection for merely driving through? Think that would fly?

I am not against protecting the ecologies of our rivers and waterways, ubt to make someone purchase a sticker under the guise of an education program when they aren't even going to put their boat or trailer into the water is wrong.
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=365168#p365168 said:
kofkorn » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:29 am[/url]"]Maine has a similar law already. However, their sticker is only required if you are planning on launching in Maine. They check at the ramps.

Are your ramps monitored 24/7/365, are they all fee oriented ramps? How does your state monitor this requirement?
Texas has enforced a law about the zebra mussels. All boats must be drained, including live wells, upon loading your boat. I think it's a good thing. But I don't agree with what y'all are saying about having to pay another state for traveling through.

Also would like to add:

Hydrilla became a big problem in East Texas lakes about 10 years ago. With the help of the parks & wildlife, they put a species of grass carp in several area lakes, including ours. We had to fork out a few bucks ($50), as did other residence, and were glad to do it. They eat the hydrilla, but they are sterile. It is illegal to catch or kill them. It has been 4 years ago since they put them in our lake. Within only a couple of weeks, we could tell a difference. By the next summer, our lake was back to a beautiful spring fed lake. Those fish are big now (about 20-25 lbs), but they still keep eating it. Yes, it does come back, but the carp have been a blessing to our lakes. :D :D :D


UPDATE: July 20th, 2015
TPWD added more baby grass carp to our lake about a month ago, as some of the older ones have died off. There is one of the older ones that swims in and around our dock. It is about 35 lbs now. I've not had to rake out hydrilla in over 4 years. Glad he/she stays around here.:) Keeps our swimming area clean and beautiful. They are pretty to watch swim, as they swim with grace, almost like a whale. Their dorsal fin slowly comes out of the water, as they gracefully swim. Thankful they are here. [-o<
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=366362#p366362 said:
nsjames » Yesterday, 4:26 pm[/url]"]
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=365205#p365205 said:
RiverBottomOutdoors » 02 Sep 2014, 13:16[/url]"]Not that big of a deal. If it will help stop the spread of invasive species, seems like outdoorsmen would lend their support. My home town lake has areas that are choked by hydrilla so thick it looks like you could walk across it.

A private company is probably much better than giving the funds to the definition of inefficiency: government.

not that big of a deal to extort $10 out of people that are merely driving through the state?

What if a state decided that you must pay for a vehicle inspection for merely driving through? Think that would fly?

I am not against protecting the ecologies of our rivers and waterways, ubt to make someone purchase a sticker under the guise of an education program when they aren't even going to put their boat or trailer into the water is wrong.

$10...james....$10. You would think that someone who loves the outdoors could get over that small price to pay to help preserve an ecosystem. I guess some can't.
True. Passing through is one thing, but entering a body of water is another. We must preserve our rivers and lakes. $10 is a small price to pay to help accomplish that.

Hydrilla is not native to us. It was brought in on boats from other states, as I'm sure it was brought in to them from other places. It can sure take over a body of water in a matter of a year. Like another guy said, looks like you can walk across it. And the more you rake it out of a swimming area, the more you spread their seeds. Been there, done that.

All in all, we all must work together for the preservation of our waters. :D

$10...james....$10. You would think that someone who loves the outdoors could get over that small price to pay to help preserve an ecosystem.

Since I never trailer my boat into another state, $10 isn't a big deal. Just add it on to the price of the boat registration. BUT, as the title says, this could 9most likely will) spread to other states. Now I have to have a trailer full of decals just to trailer across a few states. People driving through Minnesota to another state should not have to have this decal. There has not been one case of an infestation from the Interstate (or any roadway). It would be more likely that Waterfowl would do damage than a trailer passing through.
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=366400#p366400 said:
RiverBottomOutdoors » 17 Sep 2014, 03:27[/url]"]
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=366362#p366362 said:
nsjames » Yesterday, 4:26 pm[/url]"]
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=365205#p365205 said:
RiverBottomOutdoors » 02 Sep 2014, 13:16[/url]"]Not that big of a deal. If it will help stop the spread of invasive species, seems like outdoorsmen would lend their support. My home town lake has areas that are choked by hydrilla so thick it looks like you could walk across it.

A private company is probably much better than giving the funds to the definition of inefficiency: government.

not that big of a deal to extort $10 out of people that are merely driving through the state?

What if a state decided that you must pay for a vehicle inspection for merely driving through? Think that would fly?

I am not against protecting the ecologies of our rivers and waterways, ubt to make someone purchase a sticker under the guise of an education program when they aren't even going to put their boat or trailer into the water is wrong.

$10...james....$10. You would think that someone who loves the outdoors could get over that small price to pay to help preserve an ecosystem. I guess some can't.

obviously you fail to see the larger picture. This isn't about what it costs or what it's for, but is about the fact that a state has decided that they can force you to pay a private company for any reason, merely by being in that state, and on a federal road.

again, what if they decided that upon entering the state you had to pay to have a safety inspection done by a private company? Would you object then? It's for your own safety after all.
enjoy your massively bloated government.
obviously you fail to see the larger picture. This isn't about what it costs or what it's for, but is about the fact that a state has decided that they can force you to pay a private company for any reason, merely by being in that state, and on a federal road.

again, what if they decided that upon entering the state you had to pay to have a safety inspection done by a private company? Would you object then? It's for your own safety after all.
enjoy your massively bloated government.

My state already has a an annual vehicle inspection requirement, as do most states. And get this....the inspections are done by a private company (ie. your mechanic). And.......it's been that way for decades.

Consider the 10$ fee a toll. If you want to have your GPS reroute you around an entire state or avoid visiting a state altogether to avoid a $10 toll...that's your prerogative.....no matter how absurd. It's $10 to help prevent habitat destruction. I think you need to find something a little more worthwhile to get bent out of shape over.

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