welcome back to a old member


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
crossville alabama
just wanted to say hello to everyone it has been a long time since i posted on here ,i got dianosed with cancer and i have been going through kemo,radiation treatment for 6 months.every thing seems to be better now at least i can sit in front of the computer,well anyways welcome to all the old members and hello to all the new ones
Dedawg - awesome to see you back here, glad that you are improving, if you need anything you just ask me direct!
hey dedawg1149 prayers to you and the family, Happy to hear your doing better, its rough. My dad is a throat cancer surviver three years now and he's been doing good. Did ya lose much wieght?? My pops sure did, but he made up for it way to much now :)

Welcome back too =D>
Hope all is going well. I hate to hear about things just like that. Good luck and welcome back.
Welcome back dedawg, hope things continue to look up for you and your family. I say family too because I know how it is.
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WELCOME HOME DEDAWG =D> , Glad to hear your well enough to do some posting, you can beat this thing, my prayers are with you my friend [-o<