Former Marsh Runner to TVA Lake troller, Weld Craft 1652 Sportsman rebuild
What a great website and resource!
Seeking ideas as I rebuild my boat to accommodate my special needs to abuse the waters of TN.
A little introduction:
I purchased this rig Weld-Craft 1652 MUV Sportsman welded alum hull, 50hp TT Johnson Black Saltwater two stroke, on a Magic Tilt Galvanized trailer when OMC went belly up in 2001, with no warranty.
So, no surprises, I know rigs full history.
I used this for fishing in Coastal Louisiana for reds, specks, in the marshes and bays and any where there was a trace of water. I fished and bumped off many floating logs in the Pearl river system
chasing everything it had to offer, with many an alligator tour thrown in…Grandkids always loved it.
Standing on the extended casting deck and doing a lot of sight fishing was great, and the 743 Motorguide foot control was always a pain and was it seemed…almost what was needed.
The live well was and is a certified fish killer.
The rigging of the boat for weight distribution was and is down in the water on the right.
A good set of sea legs were always a mandatory requirement.
But, now things have changed. Yes, they have changed. I have limited mobility. I have limited stamina. I have limited funds…and the doc says….yes…time is limited.
This boat sat from 2007 until spring of 2013 unused, waiting for me to figure out which end was up.
I started the resurrection of my boat earlier this year and have done some fishing from it, making a few changes. I am now ready to dive in and make my boat really accessible for my limitations.
I have acquired a 70lb Minn Kota V2 with I-pilot (i-pilot has some issues).
Two new batteries for trolling motor, and a Minn Kota dual bank charger.
Lowrance Elite 4, combo chartgps/fish finder.
VHF, have a fixed unit that has problems, and a portable that is okay.
Some Driftmaster rod holders.
20 gallon Rex Air bait tank.
Alum scrap: angle, square, channel, old camper roof rack, old camper rear roof access ladder.
What do I want to do?
I want to change my boat so I fish the TVA lakes mainly trolling, staying down in the well of the boat, down on the floor, staying off of the casting decks.
I want to create some railings, grab handles, assists to help me stand from sitting, and to stay standing, and to stay in the boat.
I want my rod holders at a height where I do not need to bend over to remove them from the rod holders.
I want a most comfortable seat to sit while I am trolling.
I want shade.
I want to keep the floor of the boat uncluttered.
I need to find space for bait tank.
I need to find space for an ice chest.
I need space for rods and tackle.
I need a real dry storage space.
I do want and need more….another post…
Here is a pic of stock boat:
I will post some changes I have already made and in process of making.
This is what I started with this year:
What a great website and resource!
Seeking ideas as I rebuild my boat to accommodate my special needs to abuse the waters of TN.
A little introduction:
I purchased this rig Weld-Craft 1652 MUV Sportsman welded alum hull, 50hp TT Johnson Black Saltwater two stroke, on a Magic Tilt Galvanized trailer when OMC went belly up in 2001, with no warranty.
So, no surprises, I know rigs full history.
I used this for fishing in Coastal Louisiana for reds, specks, in the marshes and bays and any where there was a trace of water. I fished and bumped off many floating logs in the Pearl river system
chasing everything it had to offer, with many an alligator tour thrown in…Grandkids always loved it.
Standing on the extended casting deck and doing a lot of sight fishing was great, and the 743 Motorguide foot control was always a pain and was it seemed…almost what was needed.
The live well was and is a certified fish killer.
The rigging of the boat for weight distribution was and is down in the water on the right.
A good set of sea legs were always a mandatory requirement.
But, now things have changed. Yes, they have changed. I have limited mobility. I have limited stamina. I have limited funds…and the doc says….yes…time is limited.
This boat sat from 2007 until spring of 2013 unused, waiting for me to figure out which end was up.
I started the resurrection of my boat earlier this year and have done some fishing from it, making a few changes. I am now ready to dive in and make my boat really accessible for my limitations.
I have acquired a 70lb Minn Kota V2 with I-pilot (i-pilot has some issues).
Two new batteries for trolling motor, and a Minn Kota dual bank charger.
Lowrance Elite 4, combo chartgps/fish finder.
VHF, have a fixed unit that has problems, and a portable that is okay.
Some Driftmaster rod holders.
20 gallon Rex Air bait tank.
Alum scrap: angle, square, channel, old camper roof rack, old camper rear roof access ladder.
What do I want to do?
I want to change my boat so I fish the TVA lakes mainly trolling, staying down in the well of the boat, down on the floor, staying off of the casting decks.
I want to create some railings, grab handles, assists to help me stand from sitting, and to stay standing, and to stay in the boat.
I want my rod holders at a height where I do not need to bend over to remove them from the rod holders.
I want a most comfortable seat to sit while I am trolling.
I want shade.
I want to keep the floor of the boat uncluttered.
I need to find space for bait tank.
I need to find space for an ice chest.
I need space for rods and tackle.
I need a real dry storage space.
I do want and need more….another post…
Here is a pic of stock boat:

I will post some changes I have already made and in process of making.
This is what I started with this year: