Well i'm back in florida!!!


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
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Farmington, minnesota "Orginally Pensacola, F
Well guy's we arived the night of the 2nd at around 8pm after driving for FREAKING EVER!!!!! the trucks ran great, kids did great and the dog's slept most of the way, We're slowly getting settled into the new house and getting adjusted to the new neighborhood. I started my new job the 5th and the wife wasnt too happy about me starting so soon but i needed to because house payment is due on the 20th of this month and my paychecks are 3 weeks out, not to mention needing to buy a washer and dryer and new furniture ontop of that. No complaint's its great to be back and i look forward to getting back t my fishing holes on black water river and doing some off shore fishing down by the oil rigs!
Glad to hear everyone and everything fared so well on the trip. Once you get settled in, post some pics of your catches.
Still crazy weather here in Minnesota. Almost 70 on Saturday (11/10), then dropped down in the 30s on Sunday with a few snow flakes, nothing major though.

Enjoy your new home. Take care.