I walked out of a job back in April (Hanes) that incorporated not only upper management idiots, but middle management idiots as well. There were times in my life that it was necessary that I tolerate these.....no longer. I'm at an age that I don't give a **** about cooperate America and it's "mission", so I refuse to tolerate it, I refuse to be talked down to. I have done handy-man-type chores for local widows off and on since. Can't believe how grateful these ladies are when they find someone that is willing to do their small jobs. Anyway, that kinda ended Friday.
In September 2009, my job at PHCC ended due to a budget cut. This may have been the best working gig I have ever had, short of guiding. I received a phone call from the coordinator of PHCC's satellite campus in Stuart, asking if I was still interested in a job I had applied for and interviewed for some time back. It was basically the exact job i did in Martinsville (45 minute drive). I accepted and now have a 5 mile commute. Start after the first of the year.
Merry friggin' Christmas, everybody!!!!!
Sammy Claus