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I got the results of my boat being weighed...
I dont want to post just yet..
I want to give everyone a chance to weigh in on the
guess of the weight and to tell me
what this boat should weigh?
Thas weird cause I have posted manytimes even on other forums. I post two pics the first being the start of the story and it ends at the bottom!
This morning was the first time I was able to take the boat
out since I cleaned and painted the hull and sides....
well I was not expecting this ...
I was able to do 20mph steady.... that is a 3 mph increase
Not bad for just some maintenance..... lol

So we went fishing again..
and caught 2 ,,,, 9pd r's ..... Very nice

so I am working on a deal for a bigger motor.....
I am real egar to get started on my full interior gut. and remodel.

there was a guy out fishing in the area we were in so I trolled over
and we started talking... well after observing his boat I realized that
he has those floatation boxes on the transom of the boat...
He stated he really liked them and that they really helped
keeping the boat up while he has a 150 Merc on the tail.
I really liked the looks of his....they were stair stepped...so
you could actually use them to get in the boat from being in the
water.... dual function.... that will be a MUST for me....
any one else have these on their boat?
I'm going to guess it should weigh around 600lbs with that motor and gear but is closer to a grand...

I use photobucket for my picture hosting so I only have to upload stuff once and can post on three different forums.

ok I will post how much my boat weighs..

My trailer by its self.. weighed in at 740 pds

My boat on the trailer... weighed in at 1860 pds

so my boat with out all my fishing gear weighed in at 1120 pds.

to me thats way too heavy... so I am thinking that the wood and
the foam thats in the boat... is water logged... and weighing
the boat down.

I will know this fall when I start to tear into the boat for its
remodel........ I plan on doing a thread about my rebuild.
I cant wait..