what to do for paint


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May 6, 2011
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Nor cal
One thing I have not put much thought into was paint for the out side of the boat. I have seen a few people use stealflex and a few people that used oil based paint from rustolium. I was wondering about durability of boath and which one is better as fare as quality durability and any other thoughts on them as well as other painting options as i am only going to want to paint it once.
If you have slow micro leaks....steelflex is the way to go. If not rustoleum works ok if you add a hardener. You can get the hardener at most implement stores. If not using hardener it takes soooooooo much longer to harden. But once hardened it is fairly durable.....and incredibly cheap. As you probably already know...self etching primer is a must on bare aluminum. I like the nason made by dupont.....not cheap but very good and fumey. The petit epoxies are awesome....but expensive. The interlux paints are awesome.....but expensive. Rustoleum is not awesome but if on a budget it works....and looks good if done well.
Im going to go with the steal flex stuff is there more than one kind if so which one should I get
Call Fasco Epoxy at 305-821-9441 and ask for Jerry. He is very friendly. Just tell him what you want to do and he will tell you what you need. I am willing to bet that he will tell you to use the regular steelflex. Also it comes in just about any color. I'm in Tampa and the gallon I just ordered cost me $65.43. That is $42.00 for the steelflex and $7.00 for the color pigment + shipping and tax.
I have a similiar question regarding paint. I am starting a boat project and am wanting to paint my fiberglass boat, but want to do it at a less expensive price. I have priced the Interlux and Pettit paints, like what I saw but didn't like the price.

I was told by one boat shop that I could use 3 Parts Automotive Paint and 1 Part Hardener, which sounds good except I've never "shot" paint before with a paint gun. Is there a solution to be had? Also I was thinking about using automotive paint in a spray can from an auto store for the above water paint. What do you think?


ps: I will be starting a post soon on my project; its going to be built for fishing first, fun for second!
hey i edended up going with intrlux 2000e pait its a little more but should holde up better i got a gallon of paint and shoud do the hole thing easy. it was only a 100 bucks +/- it seam to bee the best solution. i thing will let you know how it goes.

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