Whats your favorite fishing Technique, and bait for it?


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I would have to say I am a Robo-Worm kind of guy. I like the 5" red watermelon flake. Thats my go to bait. Texas rig.

My second in line is a smoke colored Senko wacky riged.
Jig, year round a jig is my most used bait.

3/8 oz water mellon green with a paca craw trailer.

To me a jig is the most versatile bait on the market.

A good winter topic

and a blast from the past.

i am hooked on topwater at night - frogs and my Sabre bait
I love worm fishing in general, but I guess a good old Texas Rigged trick worm (or something similar) has get to be my go to bait. Jigs and Spinnerbaits pull a very close second and third. I have about a dozen rods and half of those are worm rods.
Crankbaits. With Rapala's Shad Rap(bluegill)SR7 2-3/4", 5/16 oz., 4-11 ft being my go to lure.
Another vote for Jigs. Same trailers as DR uses. Once in awhile I'll put a Poor Boy's chunk on for a trailer. Green Pumpkin variations, and black/blue. Even for swimming them.

I use unpainted heads from LureCraft (the component side of Poor Boy's Baits) paint them and hand tie the skirts with super braid.

I like to use a fast reel too. I'm building a Revo now that is 7.1, but wish there was a 7.3.1 for the Revo reels, because I'd use it for jig fishing.

I only use 12lb YoZuri Hybrid, and use a 7'6 MH rod instead of heavy like allot of jig rods are....

I never flip, but do pitch allot

Then I would go wacky worming on a casting rod. Alluring baits make great senko knock offs, and Snack Daddy Lures make senkos that are better than the real thing. IMO.

Then Jerkbait fishing.

Then drop shot/shakey head depending on the depth I'm fishing.

My favorite Musky fishing setup is a Glider Jerkbait and a big bucktail for follow up bait.

Crappie-Fuzzy grub, sometimes with a minnow, sometimes not.
Favorite?....Hmmm...that's tough.

Well, if "favorite" means "most used technique", then I'm a texas rigger with worm. Usually a ribbon tail. I also get into the shakey head worms a lot last year too.

If "favorite" means "most fun"...then topwater is by far more fun! Love the excitement of a fish bursting out of the water with a lure in his mouth.

However....I've really gotten into swim baits and cranks around mid fall last year. I'm hoping to "hone" my skills with both this year!

Guess it depends mostly on what water I'm fishing,

Daiwa DB Minnow, in Pearl color.

Running these on a cool windy day in the spring and fall is just awesome. Generally can get good numbers of decent spots on these, but once in a while, a good largemouth can be gotten on them too, most notably the one in my avatar.
I like Jig's and Plastic worms. I'm pretty new at this southern fishing though.

Up north I liked Flies and Flat Fish by Helin for Rainbow. Out in the Salt water, Herring is the only 'best' bait I ever used.
I have been a long time crankbait enthusiast. I fish a lot of lipless cranks and can usually find the fish with them - having said that, I'm only recently getting more into slower retrieve baits like worms and jigs. If I were to re-evaluate at the end of this year, I'd say I'll probably prefer more of those types of baits as I get better with them.
Zera spook or frog on top is my favorite. I mainly throw a texas rigged watermelon red baby brushhog. Last year I started using crankbaits. This year I will learn jigs.

If I HAD to choose....

Watermelon candy Zoom trickworm rigged on shakeyhead.
im a diehard fly fisher. herring or anchovies when im on the salt going after salmon,maggots for the kokanee.i almost forgot the roe bags for steelhead.
Call me old fashioned. Still love to put a live minnow under stick float. Watching the bobber relaxes me. Then, I dream about learning to cast a fly rod.
My favorite way to fish is with ultra-lite spinning gear. I use an assortment of spoons and spinners while casting. And various spoons and plugs while trolling. I usually use 4 pound line, but I'll go as low as 2. When I do that it's a matter of being very careful to not only land the fish as quickly as possible to keep the stress down but you also can't just horse him in.

I used to watch and listen to the experts on tv and believed them when they said to toss bigger baits but I learned that was wrong. I own several medium and medium heavy rods and reels but they don't et used alot anymore. Ever since I discovered the ultra-lite style I won't go back. I've caught my biggest fish on little lures.

I also used to love to fly fish but I've become quite bitter. It seems to me that fly fishing, at least around here is becoming more and more of an elitist activity. For example I could be happily fishing along when another guy might walk up to me, also fly fishing and start to BS for a bit. Next thing you know he starts criticizing the guy over there because he's using bait. I don't look down on anyone for using whatever technique they want, but for the time being I also don't want to associate myself with these guys. As a result I haven't used my fly rod for years. However it was my fly rod that taught me that big fish love little lures. I used to fish for pike with mine and I never used a wire leader either.

Other then that, all I can say is my other favorite way to fish is out of my boat on small lakes. The ability to fish anywhere and get away from the crowds on shore makes me wished I would have invested in a boat years ago. At the same time it also seems the guys on shhore look down on you for using a boat! #-o Oh well, can't win them all.
Man, If I could just have one each of everything you guys are saying you use, I could no doubt catch gobs of fish...You all have great lures and combo's of same... Me I guess my ol Gulp ribbon tail worm, watermelon w/red flakes, the baby brush hogs and my all time favorite the Dalton special would be my favorites. The Dalton Special is a top water bait and who doesn't love to catch bass on top water lures. BUt I have learned that in reality, my favorite is whats working on this day on this water... and I need to go a catching as my freezer is getting very low on fish.

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