What's your worst medical/dental experience?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Millington, TN
As a Navy Corpsman, I hear all kinds of horror stories about bad experiences at the doctor's office, dentist's office or hospital. Its absolutely insane to know that they let some of these people practice medicine. Reminds me of the joke: What do you call the guy at the bottom of his class in medical school? Doctor :LOL2:

My worst experience was in boot camp when I had to get my wisdom teeth removed. The use local anesthetic, not general, so you are awake during the whole procedure. They blindfold you so you cant see whats going on. All you can feel is the forceful cracking(they bust up wisdom teeth for easier extraction, its common procedure) of your teeth and the barbaric pulling and jerking, all while you can taste a mouthful of blood... It was horrible, I still have nightmares.

What was your worst experience?
Breaking my arm when I was in the 3rd grade and getting hit in the head with a rock requiring a bunch of stitches. Other than that I have been lucky.
While on vacation at 18 years old, I hurt my neck in a basketball game so I went to a chiropractor in town. Now I like chiro's and go to one religeously now, but this guy was a quack. His degree was from the 50's? and his workplace looked like some S&M shop. He put the collar on my neck and one on my feet, then had the table breaking in half and pulling further apart, One that was ok, he came back in the room and CRANKED on some pully lever which yanked my neck WAY out away from my body. Felt like I was in medieval times being streched on the rack. I never ever want to be in that position again - I finally got unhooked and left worse off than I went in.

(But my neck did recover fine and he 'might' have helped.)
wasilvers said:
While on vacation at 18 years old, I hurt my neck in a basketball game so I went to a chiropractor in town. Now I like chiro's and go to one religeously now, but this guy was a quack. His degree was from the 50's? and his workplace looked like some S&M shop. He put the collar on my neck and one on my feet, then had the table breaking in half and pulling further apart, One that was ok, he came back in the room and CRANKED on some pully lever which yanked my neck WAY out away from my body. Felt like I was in medieval times being streched on the rack. I never ever want to be in that position again - I finally got unhooked and left worse off than I went in.

(But my neck did recover fine and he 'might' have helped.)
:LOL2: Sounds like one of those weird bondage movies.
My worst:

I was in my early 20's and I had some real bad chest pains. I went to the local ER and they did a bunch of tests. I had a Nurse who came over to my bed and said that my blood work had come back and that my heart enzymes were high. She said she only saw the numbers that high on people that were using cocaine :shock: I told her that I was not on Cocaine and told her a few choice words with something to the effect that she was the dumbest person I ever met. :lol: I immediately signed myself out of that hospital and went to another Hospital. Long story short, after all kinds of tests and Doctors I had this female doctor come in at another hospital and said "you tore a muscle attached to you ribs". Take some medicine and you'll be fine in a few days =D>

Early twenties again: When I was in the Navy I had been drinking one afternoon with my buddies and we were walking down the street in Japan. I was pretty drunk and my buddy purposely bumped into my and I tripped. I fell face first into some wooden fence decoration and split the side of my face open. The next day the entire left side of my face swelled up. I went to the local Naval Doctor on base and he gave me some medications. The next day I had a bad rash on both of my legs and I could barely walk. I went back to the Doctor and was told they were going to check me for herpes :shock: That test came back [-o< negative :D The doctor then decided to cut one out of my leg. he said don't worry you;ll never see where we removed it. 25 years later I still have the scar :evil: I guess they did some test and he told me "I have no idea what's wrong"

Another Navy story: I was getting blood drawn and the Corpsman had to stick me 5 times in one arm and then 3 more times in the left arm because he couldn't hit a vein. He asked me "are you Ok?" I said I'm fine Are you OK? :LOL2:
I guess I've been lucky and never had a major bad experience with corpsman, nurses, and docters. The navy corpsman in the field were some of the best. The ones on the ships ok as long as it wasn't just after a port call. The best hospital I was ever in as a navy man, I hate to say was the Army's Ft Bliss William Beaumont Army Medical Center.
Being rushed to the hospital with chest pains and shortness of breath.

Out of all that, They gave me a huge shot in my stomach for this tightness and breathing crap, and that sucker HURT!!!!!!! felt like someone was putting a freshly lit cigar out on my stomach :shock:

By the way turns out I should have used a good respirator when I stripped paint off my boat for a week, is why I had chest and lung problems that day :oops:

nathanielrthomas said:
As a Navy Corpsman, I hear all kinds of horror stories about bad experiences at the doctor's office, dentist's office or hospital. Its absolutely insane to know that they let some of these people practice medicine. Reminds me of the joke: What do you call the guy at the bottom of his class in medical school? Doctor :LOL2:

My worst experience was in boot camp when I had to get my wisdom teeth removed. The use local anesthetic, not general, so you are awake during the whole procedure. They blindfold you so you cant see whats going on. All you can feel is the forceful cracking(they bust up wisdom teeth for easier extraction, its common procedure) of your teeth and the barbaric pulling and jerking, all while you can taste a mouthful of blood... It was horrible, I still have nightmares.

What was your worst experience?

My dentist in my late teens did the same thing, except no blindfold. And they did the 2 on one side, then a week later the other 2, I was knocked out and couldn't eat anything decent for at least 3 weeks.

When I had my latest adventure they did knock me out and he did an EXCELLENT job.
Bleeding stomach ulcers-twice! The first time I got really weak at home over a few hours time. Thought I just had a virus. #-o But noticed that I wasnt feeling hungry and hadnt eaten in a while. Wife was at work so I didnt bother her. Finally around dark that evening I let my dog out to do his business and when I let him back in I fainted(I could barely make it across the room by now). Suddenly I had that wonderful vomiting sensation that we all hate. Well being too weak to get up I pull up my t-shirt and let it go. BLOOD,lots of it!

I call my sister who is only 10 minutes away. She arrives to drive me to local hospital and I faint in the bathroom while getting cleaned up to go. And vomit blood again! Needless to say she calls 911 and after a really fun ambulance ride(in which I had to give the guy driving directions) :evil: and 3 days in hospital Im all better. Had to have 4 pints of blood and the doctor said I was lucky I didnt faint and hit something with my head and possibly bleed to death internally right there at home.

Moral of my story: DONT be stubborn. If you dont feel well or something just isnt right go see a DOCTOR!
nathanielrthomas said:
My worst experience was in boot camp when I had to get my wisdom teeth removed. The use local anesthetic, not general, so you are awake during the whole procedure.

X2 :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2:

I knew my answer before I opened the link and whamo, you nailed it. Mine were after boot camp in "C" school though.
For the over 40 crowd: Gotta love the yearly prostate exam. Had to tell the doc on my last one that my tonsils were on the other end.
lbursell said:
For the over 40 crowd: Gotta love the yearly prostate exam. Had to tell the doc on my last one that my tonsils were on the other end.
:LOL2: couple more years.....not looking forward to those.
Hmmmm. I split my right kne cap in half with a machette while in Panama during Jungle warfare training. Maybe it was when I fell off the monorail and hit my head on a rock, only memories I have of that is what I was told happened, although neither of them compare to teh time I almost died.

Short version-
Friday- docs office with pain in my side.
Sunday admitted tot eh hospital- peeing blood. Kidney floor. Spent a week there.
Home a week still not right.
Nunerous tests, zippo.
Admitted to the hospital for plurasy, infection fluid in the lining surrounding the lungs. They pumped in antibiotics, made me walk the halls to mix it witht eh infection. Drained for 4 days, went home again.
Still not right.
Went for a bone scan, half way through the technician left and returned with the doctor. After the exam he sent me home and told me my doc would call in 2-3 days. 20 minutes later I walked in the house and the doc called. TOld me to go back to the hopsipal, their putting in a stunt. They put in my artery and ended it at the heart.
Every night for the next 6 months I hooked up to an IV at home to get my medication. Only offered as a liquid. Every Monday the nurse drew blood so they could monitor the infection rate.
I had to take a pill to enhance the effects of the Vancomyacine (sp), that turned my pee orange. Ever walk into a stall full of orange pee. IT can be entertaining listening to the reactions. :)
I had a staff infection that was in my 3rd vertibra in my back.
That first week in the hospital I saw the blue and white light, answered a question I never heard asked, here I am today.
Worst one:

4 wheeler accident in which I was going 5 miles an hour up a 4' rock pile when the 700 pound king quad flipped back on my face and chest. I was highly intoxicated to say the least and 30 miles from decent emergency transportation. Ended up with 15 stitches on my left eye brow, 4 stitches on my nose, broken nose, concussion, torn retina on my left eye that still causes a blind spot, 4 broken ribs, collapsed lung, and lacerated liver. Spent 3 days in the hospital. Messed myself up real good. The worst was the broken ribs. Laughing, crying, sneezing, farting, talking, peeing, any sort of pressure would hurt worse than anything I have ever felt.

I have been under the knife 8-10 times for being a dumb kid/young man. It is amazing to me that I have survived this long with how reckless I was as a younger man. Glad those years are behind me.
It would probably be better to ask me this question later, I had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and now I'm sitting here at 5:40 AM wide awake :shock: I took another Oxycodone and am now wired more than ever.