I've got a 80# 24v terrova on my 1542, and I'm very happy with it, I spent thursday to saturday at my aunts and uncles lake house fishing for about 8-9 hours each day, with constant trolling the entire time at 50% speed around the lake I didn't have to charge the batteries the whole trip, when I checked them with the terrova's battery test feature as we were packing up saturday night it said 50%.
The weekend before I spent 6 hours on a larger local lake while it was pretty windy and alot of waves, the autopilot feature made it a snap to stay on course against the wind and waves without fear of drifting into the shore line, had the speed around 50% as well for when trolling along the shore but for moving across the lake I had it at full speed, after 6 hours the battery test feature said 75%.
both batteries are a little over a year old, the motor I got back in june and this was the first bow mount motor I bought, I spent alot of time doing research on minn kota motors and motorguide and all the different types, even went out to the local lakes and asked other boaters about what they currently use, what they've used in the past and what they reccomend. hearing it from other boaters pushed me towards a MK and then it was a matter of features. I liked the idea of the autopilot, the electic foot pedal, the universal sonar and the easy to stow/deploy system. I went with 80# because I figure in a few years I'll upgrade to a larger boat so I might as well buy it now since they last a long time. I haven't done any tournament fishing yet, I plan to attempt a few next year once I'm more familiar with the larger local lakes where they are held.
not sure if any of that helps but that's how I decided on what motor to go with.