Personally I bought a nice 17DCNitro with a 115 hp, got rid of it for an 18' Ranger with a Merc 150 and got rid of it for a new Tracker Grizzly 1754. 17' long and floor is 54". It was a empty hull and I just spent the last 6 months carpeting, flooring etc. etc. Had several reasons. FOR ME it started with something I could pull with my Toyota, had plenty of room, 60HP Merc 4 Stroke good on gas, low draft, and customize customize customize. I'm 62 and lazy. Electric anchors front and rear, It is a lot easier for me to handle than a glass boat and big motor. I am absolutely ecstatic on how it came out. My primary agenda was KISS. Keep is simple stupid. I tried to follow that agenda as best I could.