Will Changing pitch from 7 to 8 matter?


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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
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Lake George FL
I just put 9.8 hp nissan 4-stroke..., it has a 7 pitch prop. I was looking on the Nissan website and found this chart.

*Definition of Loads

100-500 lb. Pitch 9
500-1500 lb. pitch 8
1500-3000+ lb. pitch 7
Ok with boat, motor, fuel, fishing gear, cooler dog, me and wife we don't hit 700lbs. It's on a 12/36 flat bottom. It gets on plan pretty quick, don't know top speed but it clips along no problem. But it does seem to peak out and I can lower the rpm's and it doesn't seem to affect the speed. ( I think it might be reving a little high at wot)
My question is will changing the prop from a 7 pitch to an 8 pitch make that much of a difference? Or will it be a waste of time and money?
It is a big change from the 6hp Evinrude 2- stroke I had on it.
Thanks for any input.
JMHO . . . but it would be a waste of time and money on a smaller motor. Been there, done that.
I'm running a 15 Nissan 2-stroke and the charts are probably similar?


    74.5 KB
tack it to see . stay at the top of the operating range for best performance and longevity, they are designed to run there . if you lug it with more pitch you will trash it !
I have a 2010 9.8 Nissan 4-stroke also and came from factory with 8" pitch. Boat is an old 14' Lone Star V-bottom. With me and fishing gear, 8" pitch prop, using GPS, boat hits 22mph. I switched to 9" pitch prop and under exact same conditions boat runs 25mph. Maybe lost about 100-150 rpm.
Mine is a 2010 too, think I'll change the prop but a tach too, I run a lot by myself a lot so I might even be able to get a 9 but I can at least get and 8
Thanks for the info

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