wiring FF


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Active member
May 15, 2012
Reaction score
Greenbrier, Arkansas
I've heard not to run TM and FF to the same battery. I've also heard not to run the transducer cable next to power wires. Are these correct statements? Will they cause interferance? I'm about to wire my boat up and need to make sure I know what I can and can't do.
thanks for you help
I've had more than one FF on the same battery and never had a problem, but I also have read the stories.

Why not just pull double wires, but don't use one unless you find some interference?

An extra wire pulled through a boat will, sooner or later, find a use. Rich
I only have one battery so everything runs off one battery. I don't have a problem with my FF. I think it more the transducer wire than the power wire. If you have 2 or more batteries it's recommended that you run the TM off one battery and everything else off the other one.

Like Rich said if I was wiring the boat I would pull the extra wire.
I don't think I would run the transducer wire through the PVC with the electric wires. On my rear FF the power & other electric runs through some PVC but my transducer wire runs under the floor.

Depending on the size of the plug on the end of the transducer wire it might be hard to get it through a piece of PVC unless it is rather large.

Try and keep the transducer wire away from any electrical wire as much as possible.
I had some interference, but it wasn't anything I couldn't live with if I had to - just some phantom fish. It only interfered when the troller was being used. I did switch it to a different battery when I installed one. Now there is no troller interference.
Put a fuse inline to the fish finder. I've got one but have never had it trip. It's cheap insurance though. I have my rear FF tranducer cable run along some other wires and have noticed no interferance.

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