Wisdom Teeth Vent


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bucks County, Pa.
As the weather turned somewhat nicer in Pa in the last week or so, I got that ache to fish. In addition, a toothache to boot… :( So after seeing the dentist last Tuesday and finding out I needed a cracked molar pulled, the dentist cheerfully said that now would also be the perfect time to get those pesky wisdom teeth (the ones that I have been putting off), removed at the same time. Since they had to come out anyway, why not do it all in one shot, eh? :shock: Four wisdom teeth and one cracked molar…sweet! Local anesthetic only…awesome! At least I got nitrous oxide. :) So this past Friday I got it over with. The pain isn’t so bad anymore, the Oxycodone helps a lot, but it is still tough to eat and the stitches and general uncomfortable feeling remains for now. I’m so freaking sick of applesauce, pudding, ice cream etc… I want real food! :evil: In a week I’ll be fine I’m sure and it will be a memory. It’s a small thing at best I guess but I just needed to vent right now for some reason. Also the pain medicine is affecting my trivia game scores! I can’t focus! Thanks for listening anyway.
Dear Mr. Shizzy:

We at Tinboats, while sympathetic to your pain and discomfort, do not find this excuse for your less them stellar Trivia score credible. Our records also reveal that you used the following excuses for poor Trivia scores in the past twelve (12) months:

1. Alcohol;
2. Loud Noises;
3. Poor Weather;
4. Temporary Blindness;
5. Incredible itchy private parts;
6. Too many MASH re-runs;
7. Esquired;
8. a cat;
9. Sleep deprivation; and,
10. Incorrect answers.

As the above list reveals, you will use any excuse, not matter how infinitesimal, to support your contention that outside forces are effecting your Trivia game score. Buck up young man and play the game wij intensity and devotion.

Hope this made you smile and caused your stitches to bleed.

I will treat at the Duck Deli as soon as you are back on solid food!

Holy cow....bad subject. I need to get mine pulled but have been putting it off. I don't want local anesthetic, I want to be knocked out. But I'm afraid I'm going to wake up with my pants unbuckled.

Does it really not hurt local anesthetic?
Jim said:
Holy cow....bad subject. I need to get mine pulled but have been putting it off. I don't want local anesthetic, I want to be knocked out. But I'm afraid I'm going to wake up with my pants unbuckled.

Does it really not hurt local anesthetic?

Just felt some "pressure" and pushing ect. So it didn't really hurt. In my head it was always "about" to hurt a whole heck of alot, so I did my fair share of squirming at points. It was uncomfortable but not painfull. They gave me so much novacane I could not feel my face anyway. The nitrous helped keep my mind off of what was happening. It took less that half an hour after the novacane took affect fully. The pain and soreness comes later. :wink:
BassAddict said:
shizzy said:
I’m so freaking sick of applesauce, pudding, ice cream etc… I want real food! :evil:

Drastic situations call for drastic measures, If i was in your situation id man-up and just puree myself a pizza!!

Good idea!

I must have heard that 1000 times. I feel your pain! Had mine out over 3 months ago. I never experienced any pain after. Gotta start poppin those Vikes immediately! I was put under for mine. Don't remember much, nothing vivid, but I have a few images/memories from it. It's weird.

Even now one of 4 extraction sites is still not fully healed. Nothing wrong with it, and i guess it's typical to take 3-4 months. Doc said it would have been much better to get it done when I was younger. I waited so long, and finally started to get bad cavities in two of them.

BTW I spoke with a coworker who had it done 9 years ago, and she still has huge gaps in the back that trap food and are just a nuisance. :x