Wow Jim you are sneaky, sneaky. Thank You.

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Thanks for the words guys, but I was inspired by the comments and support that you guys made to James(Codeman), Amanda and his family in this tough situation.

This is not about me, so lets not make it about what I did....honestly. :D
Kudos Jim, a true gentleman indeed. Codeman we are keeping Amada and your family in our prayers!!!!!!!!!!
Codeman -- know that all of our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

I wish there were more people in the world like all the guys here! Thanks Jim for creating this place to hang out. =D>
Codeman said:
The sneaky part by the way was the fact he PM'd me for my address, I was like for what, I haven't won anything lately? LOL're winning all right....Keep it up too! Both/all of you!