Your one favorite Body of water to fish?

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Too hard for me. I like most of the small lakes I fish, but I really enjoy The Gulf of Mexico too 8)
Cowdan Lake...

Small, fishable, always produces bass and panfish, even on the scorcher days. In the winter it is one of the best perch ice-fishing lakes I've ever walked on to. crap... now its not a secret anymore.
perchin said:
Cowdan Lake...

Small, fishable, always produces bass and panfish, even on the scorcher days. In the winter it is one of the best perch ice-fishing lakes I've ever walked on to. crap... now its not a secret anymore.

I had to look it up to find it, that's about an hour from me. May have to steal your lucky fishin spot :D

I would have to say lake Michigan is my favorite.
Bell's Landing at Bannor Marsh for it's action on Muskie's and Bass.
Mission Bay where the Mission River flows into the bay. I've caught or seen caught specks, reds, flounder, baby sharks, gar, gafftops, sheepshead, black drum; my Dad even caught an eel that was as big around as my arm and at least four feet long. All within an area a couple of hundred yards across. And gators all up and down the river. I hooked one of them once. When your rod tip goes down, you never can be sure what you've hooked until you get it to the boat.
Man, I miss salt water.
Well, you go down County Line Road after turning off hwy. 15, about a mile, turn left at old man Clem Brown's (sorry if this is your name, but name is chosen at random) house, then go on down to...

Oh well, you get the picture - I ain't tellin' y'all! Just teasin'... What a question - my one favorite - might just be Little Lake Harris in central Florida. Quite a big lake actually, full of gators and bass. Crappie too, and snakes. Speaking of which, for some reason, I have always found that if I see snakes it indicates good fishing. I have caught many a bass right near water moccasins. I have wondered it they like the same areas; seems to me they do (snakes and bass, that is).
indian lake in central ohio. iquess because i'ved lived there for 30 yrs. can catch fish year round.
California Delta. You could never fish every "bassy" spot in a lifetime. Every trip there to me feels like I am discovering a new lake.
Just one place is hard. It would be the Biloxi Marsh which is in Louisiana. I've fished it hard the last 12 years or so. It's 100's of square miles of tidal marshland. You can go for days and your lucky if you see two boats deep into it where we fish. The fishing is world class for Specksnreds :D . It's the type of place you do not dare venture too far into unless you've been with someone who knows the area or at least 2 gps's (1 for back up) or be able to read a map in an area with no lanmarks what so ever.
cornbread said:
Lake Guntersville Alabama

+1 on Guntersville. I only make it to the lake once maybe twice a year, but catch more 4+ pounders in that one or two trips than I do the rest of the year.