Yes, at least remove any high spots and do your best to smoothen gouges, but any prop worse than this is a candidate for a spare or recycling. Personally I've never worried about balancing small props like that ...Couldn't you remove the rough spots and balance it just like a lawnmower blade using a grinder?
I’m sure having a hard time finding a match.If it's only 8 3/8 x6 it's not worth getting repaired. A new one will be less than $100, a decent repair would be at least $200
Have a fishing buddy who tried this and ended up have to replace/rebuild his entire lower unit; I told him to just go get a new prop. but he was insistent on trying to fix what he had to save money, ended up costing him over 2K; just my thoughts!I could be wrong, but get the impression the poster is wondering if he could do this himself, not farm it out. I also wonder about this. Couldn't you remove the rough spots and balance it just like a lawnmower blade using a grinder? OK, I'm a noob too, so give me a break if this is a totally stupid idea....LOL
For minor gouges and bent edges, you might get away with, but getting one blade badly out or out of balance can ruin the bearings/ seals in the lower unit. I have done quite a few over the years, but non ever bad enough to require welding.. As a skilled toolmaker I had acess to the equipment to shape, and match the blades to each other as well as balancing the finnished prop. Small little nicks and gouges along the edges are usually not a big issue, but when you get into props that have material missing, that can become a real big issue !I could be wrong, but get the impression the poster is wondering if he could do this himself, not farm it out. I also wonder about this. Couldn't you remove the rough spots and balance it just like a lawnmower blade using a grinder? OK, I'm a noob too, so give me a break if this is a totally stupid idea....LOL
Are props two piece? Sure looks like the center might be pressed in.I made a Solas prop for a Suzuki/Honda work on my 65 Fastwin 18 after not being able to find a prop or a hub for it. Probably the reason nobody makes these is it would be too expensive and the market is limited. So you got to be that enterprising guy and make at least one, eh? Contact the major prop companies and see if they can fix you up. If remember right got the Solas from a place called Michigan Prop. There also may be a Force Facebook page. I found a rare part for my McCulloch through a FB page for McC enthusiasts.