1236 Alumacraft How do I start?


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Jul 9, 2010
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Hello Gents, here is my 12' Alumacraft that I purchased about a month ago while on R & R leave. Well here is the story during my time off there is nothing I like to do more than to go fishing and when I got home my wife commented to me that as much as I like to fish that maybe I should consider getting myself a small boat so that I am not always fishing off the banks at the river or lake. I was'nt to sold on the idea at first since I really have no experience with boats whatsoever but i went ahead and looked around and decided to buy one anyway and if I did'nt like it I could always sell it. What can I say guys i put the boat in the water about 4 times while I was on leave and well now I am hooked there is nothing better than fishing off of a boat. And now that I have been looking at this site to try and educate myself more on my jon I am hooked even more. I have seen some really great modifications on this site and have decided to go ahead and start preparing for my return home so that I can begin modifications on my own jon. I apologize for the log story but here are my questions:
1. I want to put floorboards and sideboards in it and would like to know how do I go about putting them in so that I can easily remove them to clean the inside of the boat?
2. As far as carpeting goes, do I apply glue to the plywood and then staple it to the bottom of the board or is there a different and better method?
3. Motor, I currently have a 30lb thrust trolling motor and I purchased a 9.5 Johnson right before I came back to theatre any sugestions on how many batteries I should be using and also would it be better to put the batterie(s) and fuel in the front of the boat?
For now that is all I can really think of but if you have any other suggestions please let me know?
Thank you all and catch some big ones out there!!!
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Looks like a decent start. If you have time, read up on all the builds on here to see what others have done, why, and what they do and do not like about their builds. Personally a 1236 is too narrow to deck with plywood. Everything you do to it will add weight. Are you planning on a trailer for it? I would consider putting foamboard between the ribs and an aluminum floor covered with carpet and skinning the bare aluminum with carpet to keep it cool.

Just remember, the best thing about a first boat is you get to learn what you really want and need.

Thanks Ranchero for the suggestions that does help out alot and you are right I do need to carpet the seats and other exposed aluminum because it sure as hell did get very hot while were fishing. As for the trailer I ordered a trailer from harbor freight a couple of days ago so really thats gonna be my first project when I get home putting that together and making any adjustments to it to ensure the tin sits in there just right. As for the foam where would be a good place to get the foam also if I put the carpet directly onto the aluminum will that diminish the integrity of the seat with time when it gets wet and dries off or will the aluminum hold up pretty well?
Thank you very much!!!

Tomas, as long as the hull stays away from salt (water or road) the aluminum will be fine for a long time. The marine carpet is plastic based and has a rubber backer to bond the strands. Under certain conditions it 'could' be slippery but a lot less vs. bare aluminum. Other folks have had good luck with bed liner type products.

Closed cell insulation board (blue or pink stuff from Lowes or Home Depot) works well and is easy to manage (trim and fit).

The 1236 isn't very wide, I would consider getting some decent seats with a low swivel mount. I found some Tempress lowbacks on eBay for about half of bass pro. Pin type mounts work better and last longer vs the ball swivels (cheap ones) and you can take the seats out when done so they don't get weathered.

Once done if you get a decent cover and some supports to keep the water and snow from pooling the boat will clean up nice every spring.

I'm about 2/3's through my Seadoo IB conversion and my best recommendation is think about what you want and need a lot before acting.

Ditto that on the service, I played on the high seas from 90-96.

Great start, I too would use as less wood as possible. Keep your plans simple do to the size of the boat, cost , time ect. Thumbs up to your wife for her support of your fishing and you to for your service to our great nation!!
Gents thanks a million for all your advise and ideas I will definitely use them to improve my tin. This all gives me some researching to do during my time off here and hopefully by the time I get back I will have my plans in order and get started on my build.
Thanks again guys,

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other ******* die for his.
--George Patton--
Howard said:
Great start, I too would use as less wood as possible. Keep your plans simple do to the size of the boat, cost , time ect. Thumbs up to your wife for her support of your fishing and you to for your service to our great nation!![/quote Thank you very much I will definitely get in contact with you during my build and will definitely use all your suggestions and advice. I should be home in a couple of months and I will get to work right after I spend some time with the family (I dont want to ruin my kitchen/fishing pass right as I get home lol). Thanks again for your reply.
russ010 said:
Here is what I did with the 1236 I used to have... pretty long though, so grab a beer and start reading!

I did have a chance to take a look at your build minus the beer, great build by the way! I think the command might frown on me drinking here but once I get home I will sure as hell crack one open while I am reading it again and definitely one while I sit back and fish. But I do plan on using some of your ideas for my tin also. Thanks again for your post.
And to all you guys that have posted your builds I =D> all your builds great job!
man... when I was over there we got 3 beers on Monday, Wednesday, Fri & Saturday

but then again... I was on a special ops/r&r base