Oh, almost forgot, I have some venting to do... While I was fishing on the lake(big for the area but small... 165 acres), I had one other boat put in after me... the guy, probably in his late 20's pulls up in a brand new dodge pulling a 22' ranger comanche with a mercury 275 on the back... decked out! Needless to say he went past me, looked at me, and I waved... he never even acknowledged me... I don't care who you are, or what you do, or the pile of fiberglass you float around on... if someone waves at you, WAVE BACK!!!! I have one of the most appreciated and one of the most hated jobs around (deputy sheriff), and even though I don't have to, I wave to people because most cops don't. Oh and just to add... this is a no-wake lake, so he definitely saw me... glad my low paying high rewarding job allows me to build my boat... unlike his high credit score pile of fiberglass crap! sorry had to vent