Thought I would share how my project is coming along since I have gotten so many great ideas from this site.
This is the original paint color after i pressure washed the inch of gunk off of it.
I could have left it alone at this point since it was clean and didn't leak..... but what fun would that be?
Sanding down most of the runs in the paint from the previous owner and getting rid of loose paint
scuffed the remainded of the boat in preperation for paint.
sprayed the blue (pictures doesn't do it justice, it looks amazing in the sun with the metalic flake in it.)
Sprayed the Silver
I made a new wooden transom, its too shiny in this picture, better one below
Started Framing for the decking
Starting to come together.
Started to capret decking last night, will get more pictures up tomorrow!
This is the original paint color after i pressure washed the inch of gunk off of it.
I could have left it alone at this point since it was clean and didn't leak..... but what fun would that be?
Sanding down most of the runs in the paint from the previous owner and getting rid of loose paint
scuffed the remainded of the boat in preperation for paint.
sprayed the blue (pictures doesn't do it justice, it looks amazing in the sun with the metalic flake in it.)
Sprayed the Silver
I made a new wooden transom, its too shiny in this picture, better one below
Started Framing for the decking
Starting to come together.
Started to capret decking last night, will get more pictures up tomorrow!