1955 Mercury 55E 40 hp


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WD-40 and 30 minutes with tension on it. Then a few slight taps and little more tension. Great Balls of Fire!!! :D :D :D


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Disconnected all wires today, except for the starter. Cleaned all underneath the flywheel and installed new belt. Put battery cables on her to see if the starter would engage. It did! :D :D :D

Want to give God His day tomorrow, so will replace the old wires with new ones on Monday. Then comes the carbs. (Oh boy!) :?

Won't be long now! 8)
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=367176#p367176 said:
crazymanme2 » 28 Sep 2014, 06:14[/url]"]Has your motor been switched over to neg. ground?The starter doesn't mater but the rectifier does. [-o<

No, it is positive. Just put new belt on and wanted to make sure the starter would engage, as I had not even check to see if the starter would work or not.

What is concerning with the rectifier? Please share! I need all the help I can get.
It has the original old round one.
[url=https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?p=367266#p367266 said:
crazymanme2 » 29 Sep 2014, 08:11[/url]"]Fix is simple,just get a negative ground rectifier.

Never thought of that. :idea:
I'll see what happens when I get it all rewired. The old rectifier might not even work. We will just have to see.
crazymanme2 said:
I had some old motors I collect & just took a Neg ground rectifier & put it on my 55E.

That's a great idea. =D>

I had wondered if the newer rectifiers would work on these old motors. I replaced one back at the first of the summer on our '88, 70 hp Merc. Wasn't very hard...3 wires that I recall. I think it has a built in voltage regulator...I think. #-o Was about $25 from Overton's.

The positive ground on these old motors will make you stop and think before you you burn something up. :wink:
Tore down, waiting on other parts to come in.

Carbs are rebuilt, points are clean, new gas lines. Go figure, this old motor has KA9A carbs. :p

Rebuilding the wiring harness and replacing internal wires, while I'm waiting on parts. Since this pic was taken, I have also pulled the flywheel, again, and repainted yesterday.


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crazymanme2 said:
Fix is simple,just get a negative ground rectifier.

Go figure, it is already a negative ground! Must have been changed a long time ago.

I went ahead and bought a spanner tool along with a new impeller. I've got the propeller off. Do I have to pull everything out and off the spline; or do I just drop the lower gear case to change the impeller?

I want to install a new impeller before I ever even fire her up. Don't want any misshapen with an old impeller crumbling and causing pieces to go other places.

Somewhere I read about a left handed thread. I don't think the one on the spline is. It is right handed. What's your input? I've had PB Blaster soaking on it for 2 days. Going to try to pull it tomorrow, if I have to, to get the lower unit off. I have bolt on the lower (left side) that the nut has been rounded some. :evil: Man, oh man. It's going to be a bad boy to get off. I might have to use a drimel. #-o

Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
I haven't posted to this thread in a long while. I did "just drop the lower" and replaced the impeller. Had to buy a spanner tool, but it was well worth the $$.

Over the winter, I've tinkered with her on small things and got her almost ready to fire. That is, if I can get that lower unit back on! Good grief! Both of us stabbing, shaking, and stabbing some more. We worked with that foot for over 4 hours. I am not a quitter, but I knew we better quit before we broke something. :twisted: Just sayin'........

That was 3 weeks ago. Took another stab at it last week, to no avail. Had to call an old friend and ask some specifics. Come to find out, we had the shifter and foot in N. Oh No!!! Has to be in F gear. :roll:

Tried it again, in F, moving the flywheel every so slightly CW (just like he said) and still can't get her to slide all the way up. It's just plain crazy! :x The top will go in and when we get to the bottom it seems like something is holding it back. #-o

Any advise? It sure would be welcomed! There just has to be some little something we are not doing right.

Spring's in the air and I should would like to get her running.

crazymanme2 said:
I never had the problem your having. You must not have something lined up. Check water tube.

Had the water tube in the hole. I sure was hoping you could clue in on this. Thanks for trying to help! I truly do appreciate it. :)
Look up the mid section to the splines in the motor to make sure nothing is in there.Make sure your drive shaft is where it belongs after installing the water pump..Did you slowly turn the motor over to line up the splines when installing the lower unit?
crazymanme2 said:
Look up the mid section to the splines in the motor to make sure nothing is in there.Make sure your drive shaft is where it belongs after installing the water pump..Did you slowly turn the motor over to line up the splines when installing the lower unit?

No, nothing in there. Even used a Snap-on long snake light to look up in there.
Drive shaft is lined up.
Yes, slowly turned the flywheel CW to line up.

It pulls up, using the nuts, to about 1/4" . When I step back, I can see daylight between the foot and the mid. There is something in the lower splines that just is not right. #-o
It won't go into or out of gear.

My reasoning is that it should just slip right in, and not have to tighten down the nuts just go get it to pull together. Right or wrong?

What if I moved the shifter lever ever so slightly to get the lower splines to go in? I know it would move the detent a bit, a very small bit.

Keep in mind I've never had this on the boat. It is on the stand. I've never had the shifter cables hooked up to it. So, if I am looking at it from the front, dead on, with the starter on the left, I see the detent at the far right groove. Is this F?

Maybe I've confused myself on the F & R. Do I perhaps have it in R? :shock:

Thank you kindly for your help. I most certainly do appreciate it.


After all this work in getting this old motor running, I find out that I'm not working on a Mercury Mark 55E. :shock: :shock: :shock:

It walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, but it aint no duck!

According to my old uncle, this motor was built and used in trials in Florida. It was disguised in a Mercury Mark 55E upper and lower cowling. You ask, then WHAT IS IT?!??? SO DID I!!!!! #-o #-o

She is a 1960 Mercury 400E in a Mark 55E case. Go figure....

This sheds some light on several issues I've had.
#1....the negative ground (instead of positive ground on the Mark 55E).
#2....why the distributor does not have holes for a bracket to mount the distributor cover.
#3....don't need a distributor cover.
#4....why the carbs are different.
#5....why there is "white" paint under the silver on the lower unit.
#6....why there has never been a manual starter retainer, rope or handle? That's right...NEVER. No marks, no nothing. The rope/handle hole in the cowl has cork in it. The 55E top cowl is different than the 400E cowl, thus the flywheel and retainer do not match up. (I think.....I don't know that for sure.) Do you?
#7...is this why the parts numbers coming off this motor are not the same as Mark 55? They are the same as the Mark 58 and 400. Makes me say....hhhmmmmm

Wow! I am flabbergasted and totally over whelmed.

After having been in contact for quite sometime with a gentleman that's an old Merc man that has helped me in several areas of this rebuild, he has confirmed this is a 1960 Mercury 400 E in a 1955 Mark 55E cowl. On top of the block, it is stamped with the same SN as is on the SN plate. It is also stamped with #1-2. Is that #1 of 2??? We don't know and can only assume it is. Do you know?

After reading more on Mr. Carl Kiekhaefer, he was a man of secrets. He did not want the competition to know anything he was doing or about to do. Thus, the lake for trials in Florida. Could this be one of his secrets, to try to throw the competition off? I guess we will never know. All I can go by is what I've been told from my uncle and an old Merc man, and from what they can remember. I have no proof to stand on, but that's ok. It's a pretty awesome story to know and to tell my grand kids! 8)

So, Crazyman, should I close out this thread and start a new one on a 1960 Merc 400E? #-o I think so, my friend.
Perhaps this is why we are having so much trouble getting the foot back in. :?:

Some of our friends are over here right now saying, "You go GIRL"! Get 'Er Done! Makes my heart smile...... :wink:

Thanks for all your help. Thank you for your respect, guidance and knowledge. You are truly appreciated.

Signing off of this thread.....March 24th, 2015
Michelle Keith
Tyler, Texas
:shock: A Girl ....Yes, a girl can too. "I get by with a little help from my friends!"