1959 Plaza Craft Semi V done for now?


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Got the inside painted after cleaning up all the burrs from drilling. Started running the wiring for 12 volts to bow for fish finder and possibly a lighter outlet from rear battery and 24 volts from front batteries to transom mounted foot controlled trolling motor through 3/4 pvc pipe, no need for pvc for the Terrova bow mount trolling motor.


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Have made some progress slowly but surely I will get it done. I have front deck framing done as well as the deck. I used half inch plywood. Got four hatch openings done so far thanks to Ranchero50 and Gillhunter. They got this tired old brain working again. I have included some photos of how I did the hinges on deck, the hatch lids where done the same way. May not be the best way but it worked for me.


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bow cap hinged area accomplished, still have to install power plugs and volt meter


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Well I need to get it out of garage so I can get the truck in as winter is a coming. Due to the lack comments I guess no one cares about this mod, but I will post some more pics anyway.


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Great job on the boat! I like the side storage. It should go with your 18. Much more useful room without a side console.
It is a beautifully thought-out design, nicely executed, and resulted in a handsome craft.

As for lack of feed-back, it may be you just were so ASTONISHING that others were intimidated :), or could be you didn't seem to ask any specifics. For whatever reason, you did well, and that does seem like a nice, deep, hull.

Well done

=D> =D> =D>
Thanks guys, the only thing astonishing is I finally got it done. It was a major PITA to get anything to work out like I wanted. There were several times I thought about just shooting it and putting ME out of my misery.
Great job! The lack of feedback was due to the fact that you were doing so well on your own that there was little left to be said.

I especially like the hydraulic lift assisted storage cover. That is VERY cool. Excellent work.
Found a couple more pic's I did not load, also one of the 3-wheel dolly I came up with several years ago to launch and retrieve the boat from the shoreline. One fishing lake has the boat ramp on one side but I like to camp on the other side, about a 2 mile walk to get camper and boat on same side so I came up with idea. I just push it in by hand and hook a tow strap to chain and pull it out. The third wheel make it possible. Hope it will still work after the added weight. I modified the boat so I could remove all the wood easily if I need to get to the hull, 28 screws and it's back to framework and hull.


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That is some really nice work you did on your boat. =D>
I especially like how you bent the angles to get a level location for the decking. What size angle did you use? Did you thru-rivet them to the hull?
Thanks for the comment. I used 1/8" x 1 1/2 angle. I used the Hi-Locs for the front decking also. No one that was available knew how to buck rivets and I really did not want to drill them out if they got shanked. I pre drilled 3/32" holes in angles, put some double back tape on them and checked for level and then back drilled 3/32" holes into sides and used the cleco's to hold them in place while back drilling them and the hull out to 3/16". Your lucky on your boat that you have ribs and not stingers, so if you want more space at transom area you could taper your side boxes.
Boat looks to be progressing nicely man, gettin her wet and catchin any fish yet?
I did not add an ice breaker during the mod, so it will probably be the end of March of early April before I get to use it. It snowed about a week after I got it out of the garage.