I used a combination of everything, I used the aircraft stripper and a 3M paint stripping wheel on most. This worked great on the paint above the waterline that wasnt primed. If I would have known how good that primer coat was below the waterline I would have just sanded it down. I used 120grit to sand it down and I used an old sponge type sander as my block to wrap the sand paper around, helped out around the rivets. I used a fine wirewheel on stubbord placed on on the thicker keel. Carefull with those, i screwed up once with the course brush and had to sand out the wheel marks. Still need to sand down the interior. Think I am gonna go with some type of flat gray on the interior and am toying with the idea of trying a 2 tone flex seal. Gray to the waterline and dark green above. The hardest part is working midnights and getting time during daylight hours to get things done.