2009 Labor Day Weekend Tournament


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Captain Ahab said:
DocWatson said:
The weather around here is going to cause some problems for the Capt. Weatherman is calling for more rain over the next 3-5 days. With the rivers already up from previous rains and dam releases and the lakes and ponds stirred from the runoff, it does not bode well for a good day for the next week to 10 days. :(


I have cuaght fish during hurricanes, a little rain is not even a consideration - plus the fish are already wet :idea:

You want in on this Doc?

I was just pointing out that with the two of you being so far apart geographically that the weather might be a factor.

I know the fish are already wet. I'm already dry and I wouldn't be hanging out on a street corner, in high winds, waitin' for something to eat to blow by..... if you get my drift. :wink:
Sorry Captain, but my forcast has been changing lately (wish the economy's forcast would change as quickly). Yesterday I was planning on rain Thursday, thunderstorms on Friday, rain Sat and Sunday.

But now intellicast has forcast cloudy Thursday, Sunny Friday - Sunday!

The fish should be willing and ready!

Saturday is the opening of bow season, squirrel season, and some bird seasons - and it's after Labor day - and everyone here is still expecting tons of rain.... SO... the lake traffic should be next to nothing! :wink:

Oh, this is looking like a perfect weekend!
I guess you are fishing tomorrow. Every fish you catch must include a writing instrument (Pen, Pencil). All pictures must be in by Midnight Eastern September 12, 2009.

Good luck!
hengstthomas said:
Good luck Will !


The boat is all packed, Tackle boxes all gone thru. Camera batteries charging. Switched reels on two poles. Respooled one rod/reel - and finally fixed the sqeak on my favorite reel - it was so noisy, I'm sure the other fishermen could even hear it.

I really like getting to fish two Saturday's in a row - what a blast!


BTW - If I didn't have 'plans' for tomorrow - I'd have to work on some slackers taxes - That makes the day EVEN BETTER!
While we're all waiting for today's results, I thought I would share a couple more pictures from our day last Sunday.

As I posted last week, here is the fish I caught for the tourney:


What you didn't see was the lure I caught him on:


And here is me trying to dislodge said lure from the carpet and my pants after I rushed to grab the fish after it nearly hopped out of the boat while being measured. I crushed it with my knee, smashing the hooks into the carpet and tearing up my pants too. Lucky I'm still alive!

My results for the fish-off. The story first

Well, I wish the fish had been biting better. Started at dawn. Air was still, water was 65 - 72 depending on deep or shallow. Caught about 20 bass, but most of them were dinks. Not one fish over 13 inches. I didn't count 2 that were right by the 12" mark - depending on the angle you took. I figured if I wouldn't want to explain it to a warden, don't count it here. Had one really nice bass go airborne for a frog on the pads and weeds. He had to go 3.5 lbs minimum- he looked huge, fought him for maybe 20 seconds trying to get him above all the slop and then he was gone :( I almost threw the rod in after him - can't tell you what I was thinking. :evil: It would have been my first fish on a topwater frog. Had a lot of misses today on all sorts of lures. Just not my kind of day.

On to the pictures... (4 fish to count for the day)

First fish to count was on a drop off about 9 am!!! (yeah, the stick is 12 inches long)

Fish #2 - barely made 12" -from the same drop off

Fish #3 - about 13" - went to my goto plastic bait - (JD Baits 3-4 inch stick bait with a small sinker in front) as soon as I started using it, I was into fish again! - Caught this guy at a dock

Fish #4 - had to measure him just to be sure - Caught right after fish #3 at a dock

Funny no fish came from the pads this time. Had the bites, just couldn't connect.

Bonus! - Caught 2 of these guys at the docks...

Thought I'd throw in a pic of me and the wife - Milwaukee lakefront in the background - no photoshopping to the picture. - She's an angel to let me fish so much!


Good luck Captain!
Nice job wasilvers. I am sure the captain will have a marathon trip this week. I am pretty sure he can come up with more than four, but will they be over 12" :roll: I hope not, I would love to see him lose 8)
I am picking this Thursday - the weather is foretasted as rotten - cold, rain and wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jim - please post my secret item
Jim said:
You must include a Key of some sort with every picture. Goofy face optional. Good luck man!

Pictures must be in by midnight Eastern tomorrow night.

A key - wheeeeh

I thought you would select a bowling ball, watermelon or perhaps a cinder block [-X
I am up - having Coffee (2nd cup right now) and getting pumped to do this thing. Conditions are wayyyyy less then perfect (see, I already have an excuse) air temps are a nippy 57* and there is a 10 mph wind out of the north.

I am concerned because i do not have a great game plan, gonna start at a lake nearby that has given me a good morning bite, move quickly to a 2nd lake about 3 miles away from the 1st for a quick (and i mean quick) run through to see if anyone wants to eat and then off to a small stream. Following that a hidden farm pond that has NOT produced lately but if do and then either another lake or the river.

Home to work and watch my son for the mid-day period. Later then taking the boat out this evening to what we affectionately call "the dead sea."

This is a great contest!

Oh yeah, what happens if we tie again???????????

Another tie would be a great excuse for me to go out fishing again!!!

Though we'd have to combine it with a hunting trip this time. Fish in the am - hunt in the pm. Total weight determines the winner!

In all reality, I didn't do so hot the second trip, if I had been fishing for keepers, I'd have been skunked unless I switched to perch/panfish. I expect you to come with at least 10! With cool weather like that, the water will be cooling and fish more active (I hope that's right)

Good Luck Captain!
Almost a tie - but I ended up with three fish and could got get the 4th one although I gave it a good try.

This was a great contest and we should do it again

Congrats to Wasilver - the Champion