40 hp Johnson control question


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Mar 28, 2010
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Knoxville Tn.
I have recently purchaed a 1992 Tracker deep pro 16 with a 1992 40hp Johnson motor. Did not realize I was having trouble getting it to warm up ( found gas line kinked ) but the controls do not seem to have what I call Warm up or fast idle Funtion. When motor is running in neautrul you can not increase the rpm's with out it going in gear. Is there a problem or does this control just not have the warm up function.
While I don't know your controls, I would say if the fast idle lever isn't there, your motor probably doesn't have one. That motor should idle well enough that the fast idle isn't needed. You should be able to crank it and let it idle cold without it dying on you.
If you have what is considered a "concealed" side mount control (only thing visible is the handle and maybe a small plastic bezel) then there should be a button in the center of the pivot that you can depress while in neutral and advance the throttle without going into gear. Once the handle returns to centered neutral position and is moved again it will go into gear as normal.
If you have a standard side mount control (where you can see the whole rectangular box) then there should be a handle that can be grabbed directly above the key switch (or on the top rear) and that handle can also advance the throttle in neutral only.
Thanks guys. I found the fast idle right in front of mae all the time. I have had sever bosts none like this. sitting in thedrivers seat the throttle just pulls out to the side and goes not put it in gear. At that point you can run rpm's up as high as you want. =D>

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