'67 14' Alumacraft Shallow V and Trailer remodel.


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I have a similar question as redman. How did you manage to attach the wood decking to the cross braces on the boat? Maybe I missed that step. Rivets? Stainless screws?


redman37777 said:
great lookin boat man i was just wondering what was the thickness of the 1 1/4 angle aluminum and how did u rivet it on to the littil tunnel things on the floor

Thickness = 1/8"
I custom formed it to the rib and riveted in place.
Splash said:
I have a similar question as redman. How did you manage to attach the wood decking to the cross braces on the boat? Maybe I missed that step. Rivets? Stainless screws?



I didn't attach the decking to the ribs. I skinned that cat another way. The deck is held in place in the front and back. Front by the storage cabinet, its attached to the boat hull. Back is attached via the floatation boax behind the rear seat. The box is attached to the hull where the rear bench seat used to be. Its not attached tot eh deck mechanically, however it sits on the deck thus holding it in place. The deck doesn't slide around becuase the plywood is notched around the ribs. In summary, the deck is held down in the front and back, plus it wont slide because of the notches around the ribs. I can remove everything in the boat and return it to original condition in a weekend.
A couple of updates to the trailer.

New winch post with new winch. I was able to move the winch about 6" closer to the boat, even with the winch mounted to the bottom of the cross bar. Upright is 2x2 square tube 1/8" thick, welded to a 4x4" square mount piece that is 1/4" thick. The cross brace is also 2x2 square tube, however its 1/4" thick. I drilled and tapped the winch mounting holes in teh 1/4" tube. The 1/4" tube is the same thickness as the nuts that came with the winch. The hook below the winch is where I hang the trailer my safety chains and boat bow safety chain.

Side guides are made from 2x2 square tubing 1/8" thick and the light plate is 1/4" thick. That ought to protect the lights from damage. I also installed some HDPE on the inside so the boat slides easily on the guide.

Both have drain holes.


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aeviaanah said:
Hey I just finished scrolling through your thread. Nice build man! Whered you get the rope lights that surround the gunwales?

Ordered the lights off ebay. I dont remeber for sure, however I think it was a regular ebay vendor/store.
Hanr3 said:
aeviaanah said:
Hey I just finished scrolling through your thread. Nice build man! Whered you get the rope lights that surround the gunwales?

Ordered the lights off ebay. I dont remeber for sure, however I think it was a regular ebay vendor/store.
Right on, I made some boat seat mounts for my boat today. They are crazy asking that much for mounts.
I love the classic look of your boat, it reminds me of the boat I worked all summer saving money for when I was 15. It was a 1962 12ft Sears Jon Boat with a 20hp Johnson from the early 50's and I bought it for 400 and did the same layout you have done on yours for the most part, minus the carpet we just fiberglassed the whole thing. It reminds me of my middle school & high school days which we made around a half a dozen trips to the bahamas in a 12ft boat, 3 guys and no way to contact anyone if we got into trouble. Dumb? Stupid? Crazy? Defentely, but who wasn't when we were young! Thank you for your pictures down memory lane! Love your build classic and well done.
Looks great! I like the center box for livewell and electrical...which that electrical looks crazy challengeing.
Hello All,

It's been 6 years since I remodeled the boat. Thought I would give an update.
I still use the boat every fishing/camping trip. She has been to Kentucky Lake and Eagle River Wisconsin, plus numerous local lakes and some not so local. Last year was a great snow plowing year so I bought a new sonar unit. I bought a Humminbird 899 SI unit. I have also bought new St. Croix fishing poles over the years.

As for other modifications, I replaced my trailer bearings this winter, several hinges replaced, installed new LED lights, and installed another keel roller.

Leaks to report- none.
Electrical circuit- works perfect. I have had roller waves come over the gunwales and been in the boat during a torrential downpour that was so hard you couldn't see anything. Never an electrical problem. That down pour happened during a night fishing tournament and I had to use lightening to navigate. My 2 million candle power flood light gave me nothing more than a wall of lights 3' from the boat that I couldn't see through. When the lightening hit I could see the outline of the lake and could stay on track. One of the reasons for the upgraded sonar unit. The 899 has gps and lights up at night.

Replaced the group 27 battery in 2013, although I don't remember it. However that is the date on the sticker.

Replaced the hinges on my live well (Coleman cooler). One finally broke last season.

And I got a new boat cover this winter. Old one had seen better days.

I also had to replace my trolling motor and gas tank. Both got stolen. Now the tank and motor are locked to the boat, and everything else is unloaded after every trip. I hate thief's.

Latest update is 2 grandsons have been born and a third grandchild is in the oven and due in June. Grandpa needs a bigger boat!!!!
Time to find a 16'-17' long and wide boat that needs remodeled. I want capacity for 6, but 5 would might be okay. This next boat will see trips into Canada with all gear and the family. Been eyeing the Alumacraft Classic and Lund Alaskan for my next boat. I love the size of the live well in the Classic, but also love the flat floor in the Alaskan. I also want a 19 gallon built in gas tank, and lockable storage compartments. I suspect within the next winter of two I will be posting a new project.
Glad to hear the update, Hanr3.
I enjoyed following your Mod.
6 years of service is good longevity IMO.
Obviously you did something right. =D>
Looking forward to your next project, and
congrats on being a grandpa 3x! :D

Thanks Jasper. Your avatar boat pic looks great.

Since that update I bought the LakeMaster AutoChart Pro program. Several of my local lakes are not available on Navionics, LakeMaster, or Hot Spots maps. So I figured I would make my own map for each lake. Got out last weekend to give it a whirl. Awesome!!!

I found all sorts of stuff to check out on future trips. I spent 2 hours going 4mph back and forth over one section of the lake I fish the most, and the surrounding areas. Took me a bit to learn how to make a map, just had to follow the directions. lol

Now I have a map with all contour lines, holes, flats, bottom hardness, etc. While playing back my sonar recording I also discovered a ton of cover I have never fished before. Once I figure out how to mark spots on the sonar recording and merge my old waypoints onto the new map I'll be fishing those this year.

I may have an old boat, but don't let looks deceive you. I have more money in my reels than in my boat. More in my rods than in the boat, and several time more in electronics than I do in the boat. :mrgreen:
The boat and its remodel was the cheap part. 8)

The best part, the expensive stuff will transfer to the new boat without trouble. :LOL2:
I like how the middle of the boat is open, plenty of room for gear and to move around comfortably.

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