BYOB Fishing
Well-known member
Here is the boat I have to work with, a 1983 Bass Tracker Tournament TX. It's 17ft long. I plan on setting it up for bass fishing. My wife actually worked the deal to get it for my Father's Day/B-Day gift for $400. After getting it home and looking it over in my own garage, I noticed a couple of problems. First, the bow eye is cracked and in need of repair. I'm not sure what that will cost. Also, the transom is pretty soft and in need of replacement. I don't know how difficult that will be; there looks to be quite a bit of aluminum bracing holding everything together, all riveted in. I don't know how comfortable I am with working on that...But I'm sure with everyone's advice, I can get it done. Other than that, I plan to do the standard mods for turning this into a good bass boat. New carpet, seats, wiring, paint, etc...I don't have much time to work on it this week, so for now I will put up the photos and see what you all think! Plan on starting the demo next Sunday/Monday. I'm pretty excited, I've wanted a Bass Tracker for quite some time! Oh yeah, it's rated for 80hp. I plan on looking for something that's 50-75hp to hang on the back once completed...