Went to my discount food store today. They periodically get in some sale
items to attract you to the store to buy more than what you went in for.
This weekend was HAMS !!! End shank, bone in, cooked ham - - - 79 cents a pound !!!
Limit one per sale. I bought one, put my stuff in the car, went and got another one.
will go back tomorrow and do the same. You can't even buy CHICKEN for $.79 a pound !!!
Will put the other 3 in the freezer.
Anyway, looking at a colander I have in the kitchen, I said to myself ..... hmmmm, self ??
why not use the colander to bake the ham knuckle side down ???
So I put the ham in upside down, cut a bunch of deep holes in it, applied a 1/4" of brown sugar.
I don't like cloves and mustard and all that stuff in it ...... just plain baked ham is fine with me.
This is how it went:
put colander in a shallow pan, cover ham with foil.
bake 400* for 1 hour
drop to 350* for two hours (remove foil the last 30-45 minutes or so to brown).
take ham out of colander, put knuckle side up on foil, return to oven
bake 350-400* until skin is cooked and brown to your liking.
Use the juice to make your baste or dipping sauce.
(ham juice + wine + orange juice + etc etc etc). and reduce down to a syrup.
items to attract you to the store to buy more than what you went in for.
This weekend was HAMS !!! End shank, bone in, cooked ham - - - 79 cents a pound !!!
Limit one per sale. I bought one, put my stuff in the car, went and got another one.
will go back tomorrow and do the same. You can't even buy CHICKEN for $.79 a pound !!!
Will put the other 3 in the freezer.
Anyway, looking at a colander I have in the kitchen, I said to myself ..... hmmmm, self ??
why not use the colander to bake the ham knuckle side down ???
So I put the ham in upside down, cut a bunch of deep holes in it, applied a 1/4" of brown sugar.
I don't like cloves and mustard and all that stuff in it ...... just plain baked ham is fine with me.
This is how it went:
put colander in a shallow pan, cover ham with foil.
bake 400* for 1 hour
drop to 350* for two hours (remove foil the last 30-45 minutes or so to brown).
take ham out of colander, put knuckle side up on foil, return to oven
bake 350-400* until skin is cooked and brown to your liking.
Use the juice to make your baste or dipping sauce.
(ham juice + wine + orange juice + etc etc etc). and reduce down to a syrup.