anybody used these

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Bville OK
this is what i am thinking of putting in my boat for my livewell.
That is a nice looking setup, I use a Toho rig, found in Bass Pro. No complaints, and I don't have any problems keeping them alive, long as the pump is working :)
I have heard that aluminum livewells aren't as good on fish. I haven't used many aluminum livewells, so I don't know how true that is, but I have heard of it, numerous times, by some fairly reliable sources. May want to look into that.
They look nice but i heard the same hing that alluminum is not good for the fish. i dont have a live well because i dont have a boat. YET!!!!!!!!! Im looking at a old 14' flat bottom right now but im trying to get him to come down in price.
my tin boat had an aluminum live well and I never lost a fish in it The key is fresh water if you keep it moving the fish will do fine

I have heard many things on this topic as well. However through personal experience as long as you keep fresh water and some type of fish saver "rejuvinaide" or whatever you should be fine. My livewells are aluminum, but they are gravity fed with an aerator, so there is plenty of fresh oxygenated water rolling through. During a tourny, I usually keep 1liter frozen water bottles in case I get a fish that is stressing. It seems to help but you don't want to over do it with the cooler water. I usually only do that in july and august, the hotter months here in indy.