Anyone here use Vevor hydraulic steering system?

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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Rural NY
It appears to be a Chinese copy of the Seastar system at less than half the price. I’m thinking of changing out the cable steering on my pontoon boat with 150 Merc. Depending on load, speed, trim, etc, the cable system can be stiff. I’d like it to be smoother for other drivers. I’d like to hear from someone that has had it installed for a season. Thx.
I tried a Vevor OMC control box and it was garbage. The trim switch broke immediately, and the choke circuit had a short in it, would blow the main fuse whenever I tried to use it. Ended up finding a nice used OEM control and returned it.

I have a Vevor portapower kit as well. It's cheap junk, but works well enough at least. The control box soured me on them though.

I'd check the reviews closely, and make sure the seller has a pretty liberal return policy.
As with many things today, reviews are mixed. Hard to tell the experience of the reviewer. Thats why I was looking for someone on here. Seastar has better reviews and available documentation. Just having a hard time swallowing the cost.
I don’t have that unit but my experience with vevor is very hit and miss. Some of their stuff is great, some of it is garbage. Seems to just kind of be luck of the draw.
As with many things today, reviews are mixed. Hard to tell the experience of the reviewer. Thats why I was looking for someone on here. Seastar has better reviews and available documentation. Just having a hard time swallowing the cost.
I am probably a month away from installing the Vevor "Seastar" power steering kit on my 93 Lund Tyee. Gotta build the helm console first then new power steering and transmission control cables from Yamaha.