Hey Dave, been running around all morning. The better half is coming into the end of two major projects for school and then into finals week. She REALLY wants to make the trip but I really NEED for her to keep at the books, I NEED to have her to well and pass so that I can RETIRE lol. We're holding off so that she can go with me. She's been at it all day yesterday and all day today so far and will be working until 4 or so. Meanwhile, not to waste any time I worked on my fuse box and breaker setup.
This will be used from the house battery which is ONLY for my electronics. I mounted up a Blue Seas Breaker which will also serve as an on/off switch and then mounted the Blue Seas 5025 Fuse Box. My Lowrance & Garmin will feed into the 5025. Just need to run my wires from the battery, i.e. pos to the line side of the breaker and negative to the negative side of the 5025 and I'm done.
These silly little things take time. Not having the proper stainless screws on hand caused me to run out to the local Ace Hardware store which is 10 miles away. Make a long story, this silly little project turned into a 3 hour affair including driving to get the damn parts and then mounting and wiring.
Figure I'll do what I can ahead of time to cut down the work in the end. Hopefully the better half will be at a breaking point next week by the middle of the week and we'll make the run.